Has anyone received a 2nd series of the covid vaccine?
could someone with cll take a 2nd series of th... - CLL Support
could someone with cll take a 2nd series of the covid vaccine?

Last Tuesday I began my second series of Covid vaccines. Had Moderna in Jan/Feb and had three antibody tests done at 6 weeks, 8 weeks and 90 days…all tests were negative. Since I am receiving IVIG infusions every 4 weeks and my Moderna shots where just one month apart but given at 3 weeks I to 4 weeks I decided solely on my own that what good was a booster shot going to be if I had nothing to booster. So I went to my pharmacy and ask if I could set up my Covid shots to be on my infusion day when my immune system was at its peak and hey said that was not an issue.
Now to be totally honest I did not tell them I had received the Moderna series and they didn’t ask if I had had any other Covid vaccine. I had told myself I wasn’t going to lie but old just see what would happen. I must stress this was my decision alone and I had not talked to anyone about what I had planned.
I am scheduled for the second Pfizer in the first week of September following my IVIG. I had absolutely no reaction after the first shot but sure am hoping I might after the second. It is my plan to seek a booster 4-6 months sometime after the first of the year.
I did feel better about what I am doing after the issued the go ahead for comprised people to receive the booster…that occurred just 3 days after what I had done!
I have been following the studies out of Israel and that was what pushed me to move on the second series plus I had had the three antibodies tests.
We are all in this together but I must also do what I feel is the right thing for me.
All the very very best to you as continue on this journey we find ourselves on!!!
Panz 🙂🙏☘️💕
I got no antibodies from my first two Pfizer vaccines last Jan/Feb. because I had been in Rituximab treatments. My oncologist stopped my Rituximab maintenance in light of a world pandemic, so I could get the vaccine. Last week I started the series of Pfizer vaccines again just as you did. It has been six months since my last Rituximab treatment now so I hope to get some antibodies. On Aug 1 I had first one and did have a reaction for 24 hours, but not bad. On Sept 3 I will have the second one. In between, on August 30 I have scheduled an antibody test to see if the first shot gave me any and I will have a second antibody test probably at the end of September after both shots. And like you, I will get a booster in a few more months if there is anything to boost. My oncologist is in on this second series and actually faxed an order to my local hospital so I could get the second series. Fingers crossed for both of us.
Panz -
At some point, the IVIG itself will become a significant source of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. It's probably not there, yet, though.
I've read a several papers that say they are now seeing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in batches of IVIG in both Europe and the U.S. Much depends on the date on the batch. No guarantees of quantity. You might ask the nurse for the manufacturing date on the serum.
Díez JM, Romero C, Gajardo R. Currently available intravenous immunoglobulin contains antibodies reacting against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antigens. Immunotherapy. 2020;12(8):571-576. doi:10.2217/imt-2020-0095
"Gamunex®-C and Flebogamma® DIF (Grifols) intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) products" in Europe.
Romero C, Díez JM, Gajardo R. Anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in healthy donor plasma pools and IVIG products. Lancet Infect Dis. 2021;21(6):765-766. doi:10.1016/S1473-3099(21)00059-1
Grifols again...
"In May, 2020, Grifols established a programme for continuous monitoring with ELISA5 of the fractionation plasma pools collected in Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and the USA to track the incorporation of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies into these pools and, consequently, into the resulting batches of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG). The first pools testing positive for anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in plasma collected in Spain and the USA were detected from July to early September, 2020 (appendix pp 1–2). From mid-September to November, 2020, most pools in both countries were positive for anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, with increased titres compared with earlier in the pandemic. By contrast, the first plasma pool to test positive for anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in central European countries was detected in mid-November, 2020 (appendix p 3). "
Farcet MR, Karbiener M, Schwaiger J, Ilk R, Kreil TR. Rapidly Increasing SARS-CoV-2 Neutralization by Intravenous Immunoglobulins Produced from Plasma Collected During the 2020 Pandemic [published online ahead of print, 2021 Mar 16]. J Infect Dis. 2021;jiab142. doi:10.1093/infdis/jiab142
"A total of 176 IVIG lots (Gammagard Liquid, Baxter Healthcare, Westlake Village, California) released between March 2020 and January 2021 from plasma collected by plasmapheresis (source plasma) in the US l were analyzed. For a subset of 12 of these IVIG lots, information about the dates of plasma collection was obtained."
Many are going for additional shots. No one asked them if they had gotten the shots before. It's an unorganized system in the USA but that has become an advantage to get more vaccines. 🙏
I took my Moderna shots in Jan/February. I go today for my booster. I tested for the Spike protein in March and showed a good response so I am excited and hopeful to strengthen my immunity even more.
I waited to start Ibrutinib until after my initial Pfizer vaccines in February/March--no antibodies found a couple of months later. Had my third Pfizer (first of the second sequence) a week ago; will follow up with the second in two weeks. My doctor didn't recommend stopping treatments, so we'll see what kind of antibodies I might or might not produce.
By asking about a “second series” of the covid vaccine are you meaning a complete (both shots) set of Pfizer or Moderna shots or a J&J shot?
As you may of heard, in US, one additional shot of Pfizer or Moderna was recently authorized for those immniocompromized and this website has numerous CLLers who were successful in getting that one shot.
As for a complete second series, a few of us went rogue earlier on and tried that.
I told the LLS Study that I’m in if they were interested in studying that concept and that I had followed their guidelines when to take the additional booster shot(s), and testing of. LLS got back to me and said thanks for notifying but did not add me to a new booster study probably cus taking a “complete series” of a second vaccine is not being looked at (studied) in US that I’m aware of at this time.
Hope that helps answer your question and provide a little background on a second series of shot(s).
Hi.. yes I’ve taken shot#2 in March. Setting up to get #3 Booster shot in next two weeks