My husband was diagnosed with CLL 5 year's ago and been in remission for 3 year's, and still on ibruvinib,but still gets very tired and doesn't always have much appetite, and can only eat small portions.i Is it part of his condition why he feels like this.
Feeling tired, and not having much appetite. - CLL Support
Feeling tired, and not having much appetite.

I just started taking Ibrutinib, and it really makes your entire digestive tract irritated and fragile. I am calling the nurse and asking if there is anything else aside from the propantazole and zofran that I am taking that might help. Anyone have any suggestions?

You have my sympathy. I have been taking Ibrutinib for 26 months. Last year I had issues with diarhea. It made me paranoid about going out. This year pain relief was changed and I have meds for constipation. I often have stomach pain. Your gp could give you calmimg drugs. Its a try.
I can only speculate, but unless he has other serious conditions, then most probably yes.
My husband on Ibrutinib had upset stomachs, gas and he had to be very careful about when he took it and what kind of food he was eating. He had some fatigue, but he was not super tired. My husband is 68, not sure how old your hubby is?? So happy your husband is in remission though!!
Hi I have been on IB for a couple of years now and find that i really have to push myself to get motivated. Also i do not eat as much as i used to. Best wishes.