I am confused .I was told I had leukemia .I now have a diagnosis of lymphoproliferative disorder .anybody got any answers please
Leukemia diagnosis: I am confused .I was told I... - CLL Support
Leukemia diagnosis

Cll (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) is a type of lymphoproliferative disorder, as are other illnesses where lymphocytes multiply abnormally.
Thank you for your reply.i was very confused .I just couldn't find an answer
You are welcome. Here is a wiki article that might help you:

cajunjeff provided an excellent link to this list
And at some point some medical person may also mention other categories like NHLs
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-H... and CLL falls into that broad group
We can also be classed as CLL / SLL in Leukemias or Lymphomas
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma
It can be confusing since medical science has so many ways to create categories for different purposes. It's like learning a different language.
Hi. How were you first diagnosed — that is, on what basis: high blood count or biopsy of a swollen lymph node?If blood count, do you know what that initial blood count was?
When was this (presumably mid 2018)?
Which country are you in? — have you got a CLL specialist, or are you seen by more generalist oncology or haematology consultants?
[it might be helpful to put some basic info in your profile, that way these things are accessible for all future questions - it helps with getting the best quality of answers appropriate to your situation]
Hi I had a couple of blood tests .then had cat scan and bone marrow biopsy. I am in the UK. I was diagnosed in 2019 .I just have a consultant .at the moment it's just tel consultations because of covid .but my appointments have been reduced to once yearly
Maria, occasionally doctors will used words like lymphoproliferative disorder when they don't want to use the work leukaemia (perhaps because he hasn't seen you face to face) or if the final diagnosis is still slightly uncertain in terms of exactly which type of lymphoproliferative disorder it is.
In the UK , even if your haematologist doesn't have a special research interest in CLL, he will almost certainly have seen and treated lots of CLL patients and there are treatment guidelines that have to be followed both for when to start treatment and what to give. That treatment/management decision will also be made collectively, by a team of all the haematologists at your centre so you are not reliant on the expertise of just one person.
In the USA there are lots of generalist oncology doctors who usually deal with solid tumours but dabble in CLL treatment so it's important to get a CLL specialist's advice in those circumstances. That does not happen in the UK.
Hope this helps
Sorry 2018 .had a blood test twice that year.
‘Consultant’ — have you googled to see what their specialism is?
Some haematology consultants are specialists in CLL, though not all..
..oncology consultants are rarely CLL specialists..
It is helpful to see that you have a good person applying expertise to your case.
Typical diagnosis is either a blood test followed by a more detailed check of those blood cells.. to confirm..
Else, where blood count is normal, the SLL presentation typically arises when a patient presents with lymphadenopathy (lumpy lymph nodes).. after ruling out other possibilities, a lymph node biopsy - and again a detailed look at the b-cell lymphocytes to confirm what the disorder is..
We are all tending to get telephone consults through the last year.
After all those tests, the question is whether they have a clear diagnosis of your blood disorder, or some uncertainty of the category — I’d say that you deserve to know!
First to work out, if you can, whether your consultant is a suitable specialist — if you PM (via chat) one of the UK admins, they might be able to help confirm this..
I have just recently been diagnosed. On my notes it initially stated lymphoproliferative disorder then after seeing a haematologist and a cat scan I was diagnosed with MCL. However after a bone marrow biopsy last month, I had a phone consultation 3 weeks ago and was rediagnosed with CLL and on watch and wait. I’m also in the uk and would like to hear what your blood counts are too. It’s all so confusing and difficult getting diagnoses over the phone but reading about other people’s experiences and having their support is helping me to understand.
My CLL diagnosis was noted when I saw wbc go steadily up but at a count of about 20 still on watch & wait since it apparently is of no benefit to have treatment early??
Same here .just once a year appointment
Thanks for ur response😊
I have come to the conclusion that if I don't need any treatment I am going to put it to the back of my mind and get on with life
Probably a good mental health decision...it does nag your subconscious! In my case also juggling couple other serious issues so can be easy to become overwhelmed! Thanx
Wow, never heard of this diagnosis
There’s also something called MBL. Monoclonal B cell lymphocytosis which is apparently a precursor to CLL and other blood cancers.
Lymphoproliferative disorders are a set of disorders characterized by the abnormal proliferation of lymphocytes into a monoclonal lymphocytosis. The two major types of lymphocytes are B cells and T cells, which are derived from pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow. Individuals who have some sort of dysfunction with their immune system are susceptible to develop a lymphoproliferative disorder because when any of the numerous control points of the immune system become dysfunctional, immunodeficiency or deregulation of lymphocytes is more likely to occur. There are several inherited gene mutations that have been identified to cause lymphoproliferative disorders; however, there are also acquired and iatrogenic causes