There's a new Kid in Town: The discussion of... - CLL Support

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There's a new Kid in Town

Smakwater profile image
12 Replies

The discussion of wearing masks and treating covid. I wondered when this was coming, even surprised that Youtube has not taken it down.

Video removed by Admin as political with dubious and potentially dangerous, misleading ‘advice’.

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Smakwater profile image
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12 Replies

Everything is someone else's opinion, if it's not one of our own thoughts.

We are responsible for our own decisions and actions.

JigFettler profile image
JigFettlerVolunteer in reply to

That's assuming we have free choice. I am not sure we do, influenced as we are, by so much. Predictable irrationality exists.

Yet responsible we must be, for what we do. In that I agree.


in reply to JigFettler

They may hold us down, while somebody administers the vaccine... 💉

cajunjeff profile image

This is a political ad. Almost all reputable scientists from most every country in the world believe masks slow the spread of the coronavirus.

I note the doctor in their group that thinks there are half reptiles out there treating people with alien dna is not in their latest video. Dr Gold, the founder of the group, is a physician, but no one can find out exactly where she practices medicine. She is mostly known for her political views.

Smakwater profile image
Smakwater in reply to cajunjeff

This will be fun Jeff,

It seems to me now days that everything ends up political.

Just so all may know, I stumbled across this by accident, and I have no investment emotionally, politically or otherwise in the media clip, rather I posted to observe the responses that I may establish a base line to compare for myself when the outcome is final "If it ever is". It is said that there are 8 billion plus people in the world in which my place is obvious, Hence ->

In the context of posting to observe, what I am making notice of is twofold.

#1 - This is the first mass media publication regarding the efficacy of masks that I have seen where doctors have openly subjected their credibility to the opposition of the media norm. To do so on the steps of the Supreme Court was obviously risky.

#2 - It appears that there is a pattern emerging that within a few hours of like information showing up on the internet, such opposing views become nearly invisible followed by a wave of extensive opposition substantiation from the media norm.

More interesting to me than observing views discussing talking points from the clip, is what the outcome for those expressing opinions in the clip will be.

Although I have my own mask behavior based on my own measure of information gathering with the intent of protecting others and keeping me safe, I do not qualify my opinion on this subject to others. This is the paramount issue of today, and should not the resolve be left up to the respective science and experience gained through the passing of time?

So far, I have found interesting perspectives in every point of view that I have read or heard, and I respect everyones opinion as long as it is an opinion and not an attack.

(context) Opinion - "A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge." cr - definition from Oxford languages

Be vewy vewy Quiet. I'm hunting Wabbits.


cajunjeff profile image
cajunjeff in reply to Smakwater

Smakwater, this America's frontline doctors the same group that posted a similar video in July. People tried to find out who these doctors were and if they even treated coronavirus patients. Many of their credentials could not be confirmed.

They did find this on Dr Immanuel:

"Immanuel, a pediatrician and a religious minister, has a history of making bizarre claims about medical topics and other issues. She has often claimed that gynecological problems like cysts and endometriosis are in fact caused by people having sex in their dreams with demons and witches.

She alleges alien DNA is currently used in medical treatments, and that scientists are cooking up a vaccine to prevent people from being religious. And, despite appearing in Washington, D.C. to lobby Congress on Monday, she has said that the government is run in part not by humans but by “reptilians” and other aliens".

Do you respect her opinion? I dont.

Their first video was taken down for spreading dangerous misinformation on the virus and I suspect this one will be too. The lead doctor in the group is a known political activist.

I really do not know why you posted the video, even after you wrote why you did, no disrespect intended. Are you advocating that we don't wear masks and take hydroxychloroquine if we get covid? Or is my response just part of some sociological experiment you are doing.

I think advocating for not wearing masks and taking unapproved treatments is dangerous propaganda. This is not a group of epidemiologists and or renowned doctors on how viruses spread. Its a group of fringe doctors spreading dangerous misinformation.

Their point in creating the video was to have people share it, just as you did.

Smakwater profile image
Smakwater in reply to cajunjeff

Being one of 8 billion people on the planet and having surpassed my time of and for influence if there would be any, I believe that I have no authority over any information on this sight, nor anyones perception of it. And with many on the forum, I highly regard and respect the opinion level that you have earned.

In response to your questions, As with any conversation I have no investment in any of the peoples opinion in the video or the responses to it. And, I was unaware that there was a previous related post.

I view the post and the responses with the same equity as all other posts and responses.

As I mentioned earlier, my intent is to observe the responses for myself, and possibly refer to those responses at the time the issue is resolved. Why? I have noticed that Covid and masks have been a prominent discussion on the forum.

If there is a judgement or call to judgment made that I am advocating something , I am fully aware that there is nothing I can do to and having agreed to the terms and conditions of respectfully not opposing the judgment.

For any future perceptions toward advocating a political view, I surrender with humility.

I am just one of 16,000 participants watching, and will respectively leave the influences up to those who own it.

In conclusion -

Although I sometimes watch movies, I don't believe in alien DNA or any similar interesting topics. There is a good probability that I don't spend a great deal of time with those who do.

I told You that this would be fun

lankisterguy profile image

The comments / opinions expressed seem to be very selective extraction of statements out of context.


They ignore that wearing surgical masks or woven cloth masks protect other people from the liquid droplets & lipid capsules that suround the much smaller virus particles that are exhaled or propelled by coughs.


The science indicates that the only masks that protect the wearer are N95, KN95, or N99 but those are tough to wear and get saturated with water frequently during a few hours.



cajunjeff profile image
cajunjeff in reply to lankisterguy

Len, I agree with what you wrote, but i think "protect" is a relative word. I think it certainly true that N95 masks provide the wearer the greatest protection. And I think it true that cloth masks primarily prevent the spread of coronavirus by protecting others, and not the wearers.

But I do think cloth masks also provide the wearer some measure of protection, although not the same as a true surgical mask. Cloth masks, at a minimum, give us some protection from inadvertently touching our face and mouth.

The video is political stunt. The health ministers from virtually every country in the entire world, including the US, preach that masks help prevent the spread of the virus.

Smakwater profile image
Smakwater in reply to lankisterguy

Thanks for the comments Len,

I know there is more to come, and I am not sure how much I am capable of digesting reasonably. I am thinking about retiring from medical analysis before I become Lawn Mower Man.

My primary focus on HealthUnlocked has been observing research data and personal experiences relative to CLL blood biology, which prior to Covid had already crashed my mental hard drive.

Maybe I'll just stay on board and change my avatar to LawnMowerMan.


AussieNeil profile image
AussieNeilPartnerAdministrator in reply to Smakwater

Modern medical science uses research data to continually improve patient outcomes. That means discarding earlier beliefs in the light of better evidence, NOT trying to bolster earlier beliefs by referring to old advice, while ignoring the context of the times in which it was given.


Smakwater profile image
Smakwater in reply to AussieNeil

In my view, this has alway been the case.

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