On my first day on Acalabrutinib I was throwing up and on the 2nd day I took Zofran 3 times to prevent the side effect. I am also drinking ginger tea. Does the nausea goes away after a few days? Need help. Thanks
Dealing with Nausea side effect of Acalabrutinib - CLL Support
Dealing with Nausea side effect of Acalabrutinib

Sorry to hear your suffering with nausea and sickness while on Acalabrutinib...are you taking it with food which is supposed to help prevent nausea. I'm going into my 4th week on Acalabrutinib and haven't had any nausea...only headaches in first week and some bruising in 3rd week.
Make sure you drink at least 2 LTRs of water per day.
Hope you're feeling better soon.
Take Care
I have been dealing with nausea even with my previous Imbruvica meds which my Onco replaced with Acalabrutinib. I have GERD and belch a lot. I am new to this community and appreciate all inputs and support.
zitchie, GERD has a lot to do with what you eat, how much of it you eat and how often do you eat it. my n=1 anecdotal experience is that dietary change fixed it. without meds. the same change fixed my elevated uric acid levels. I was on pills for 20 years. now no more. of course in your case the reason might be different but its worth investigating. . it costs nothing and you learn a lot while digging up info.
What dietary changes did you do for your GERD?
In short, no frying, no vegetable oils except coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil, no processed carbs, no white flour, no gluten. only natural foods of good quality. if it's man made its off limits. I experimented till I eliminated everything that messed with my digestion. if you Google GERD and what foods cause it you'll find lots of info.
I am sorry to hear about your nausea. That must be miserable. I have not had nausea with Ibrutinib or Alacabrutinib. Eating food, crackers or sips of flat soda before you take the pill would be my suggestion. Maybe a carbonated soda with caffiene. Does the Zofran help?
Maybe it will eventually go away. I started in May and did have a very slight headache the first few rounds which hasn't returned. I drink 16oz of water with the pill and,2-3 liters through the day also a mug of coffee in am after taking the Alacabrutinib.
Hope it goes away
I drink 6 cups of water, 2 cups of tea and one ensure or one cup of juice. Is this enough liquid intake for Acalabrutinib?
Ask your doctor how much water he wants you to drink with your Alacabrutinib.
It depends on how big your cup is. We are on a well so I only drink bottled water which is 16.9 oz. Eight--8oz glasses of water equals about 2 liters per the computer.
Plain water can trigger nausea, so maybe as others have advised drink flavored water when you take your pill and maybe try out some bland food like toast or crackers.
Ask your doctor or nurse for advice with your nausea..
Zitchie,try flat lemonade it worksed for my husband.Hope you wll soon be feeling better soon.
Jenny uk
I always take my pills with food. Not tried any other way yet, but it seems to work. And plenty of water. All the best
When I first started Ibrutinib I was also given a prescription for anti-nausea meds if needed -- in my case Metaclopramide, which I did need to use. My Ibrutinib dosage has dropped to 280mg now because of other side effects, but taking the capsules with/after food seems to have lessened or stopped the nausea.
I started Acalabrutinib Sept 1. I always take it after food and a full glass of water and drink a cup of coffee afterwords. No nausea. Tea doesn't work for preventing headache for me. I have had gas pains with it, some severe, also lots of bruising and a nosebleed.
I have been taking the Acalabrutinib with food in the morning. I take zofran with crackers at 6:30 am and then take the Acalabrutinib at 7:30 am with my oatmeal and fruits. I do the same in the evening with Zofran to ease ny nausea but no food when I take the Acalabrutinib because I ate my dinner at 5 pm. I also have headache. I hope to adjust with these side effects. My GERD is making it worst even with my diet changes. Praying that the side effects will go away soon.