I’ve been waiting for my flu vaccine - and waiting and waiting. My GP practice sent for over 65s first. So my fit and well husband, with no underlying health issues has had his. Now they’ve moved on to children. When I queried why on Earth they aren’t do the extremely vulnerable group, the nurse said that our vaccines won’t arrive until mid-October. She made it sound as though we have a different vaccine to the other groups. Is that right?
Special flu vaccine for CLL?: I’ve been waiting... - CLL Support
Special flu vaccine for CLL?

The vaccine you get is based on age and nothing else. You can get the vaccine free earlier than mid October at most Boot's pharmacies if you book an appointment on line
BRUNO not had word yet x either
Mandy , your surgery staff are confused. JM954,'s answer is correct.
I have had Boots tell me they can't give it to me as I have CLL and that I should get at my surgery. That was years ago, all Cllers along with other very vulnerable people now get a letter inviting them to have the over 60' s flu vaccine before any other patients do. I had mine couple days ago.
Might be an idea to contact the practise manager or your GP if you have a specific GP who is open to information.. And ask if they could speak with the Haemotologist they probably have on call or perhaps check out NHS Guidelines on this subject.
It's not easy. Be courageous. My thoughts are with you.
I always got regular flu shot. Now that I am 65 I am not sure if my doc will want me to get the one that the is referred to sometimes as the stronger flu shot.
I get shot end of Sept/beg of Oct. so that it is still potent thru March. It has a 6 month life but does get weaker in protection towards the end. 💕
The idea of waiting in line at a pharmacy (where COVID lurks!) seems to be last years method for delivering this year's flu shots. Whether it be in the UK or USA, the problem is the same. I certainly do not want to wait around a pharmacy for 15-30 minutes with many other people.
I'm in the US, and most GP's don't give flu shots (at least around here) as it isn't profitable for them.
And yes, my personal supply of PPE has run out!!! So no safe encounters at a pharmacy. What do we do.
By the way, in the US anyway (though I expect that they are all equivalent shots with possible different names) we want to get "Fluad". That is an adjuvanated trivalent for over 65's.
Thanks everyone.
I’ve just looked on the NHS guidance to GPS and it says the under 65s should be immunised with aTIV or QIVc if aTIV isn’t available. Whereas at risk adults under the age of 65 (and that’s me) should have QIVc or QIVe if not available. Maybe that is what’s going on at my GP practise? They don’t yet have QIVc and I’m not suitable for the over 65 jab. Is there anyone under 65 who has had their jab yet?
I had mine Tuesday.
I don't know which vaccine it was.
Also had the pneomax23 at same time.
Very organized. Dr in the garden of his surgery doing it!
I called my GP surgery last week to book my flu jab and they wouldn't book me in as they didn't know when they would be getting the under 65's vaccine in. However, today I asked in the pharmacy ("Well" Pharmacy) just down the road and they've booked me in for 2 weeks time (while muttering that it must mean they'll probably be doing them all).
Same happened with my husband, he had his this week. However spoke to Receptionist when he booked his and was told Under 65’s Vaccine was expected to arrive next week and gave got my appt booked in.
I have just had mine and it looked like an over 65’s morning judging by the other ( socially distanced ) patients. Very well organised and apart from the two practice nurses two doctors were also helping out. Quick and efficient.
😆 just wanted to get an idea if any under 65s have had their jab yet and it seems they haven’t.

I’m under 65 and mine has been scheduled for the 5th October. My surgery have me down as ‘younger vulnerable’ I think and it could have been given now.
Hope they’ve got the right one in!