During the height of the COVID19 pandemic the UK CLL Forum issued guidance on managing CLL patients. This guidance has now been updated with post lockdown guidance.
Many of us will be disappointed to see that the first point is to continue to 'consider telephone or video conference appointments if feasible'. For many it has been quite a few months without any contact with their haematology team which has been unsettling and the news that this may continue for a while yet is worrying.
For stage B/C patients needing treatment, they suggest consideration of either a clinical trial or the AstraZeneca acalabrutinib CLL program for treatment naïve patients (fulfilling eligibility criteria for ELEVATE-TN population).
The full details are here but the patient survey is now closed. ukcllforum.org/wp-content/u...
The eligibility criteria for the ELEVATE-TN trial are here - scroll down to near the bottom: clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show...