I was tuned today on the laptop to "France 24" TV in English. French hospitals are inverstigating what might help patients with coronavirus infection. A number of substances were mentioned, and I just got the last of a word ending as "........clovir". Valacyclovir is a remedy after the onset of shingles and other herps. The point: Today tens of thousands in the medical field around the world are now investigating how to cope with the coronovirus. The standard A1c test for diabetes control arose from the original investigation of hemoglobin by a doctor in a hospital Iran.
Never guess were solutions may be found! - CLL Support
Never guess were solutions may be found!

Will take up to a year to test any meds for corona. Unfortunately nothing currently to use. Just have to wait and see.
Hi there, I have just completed a course of Aciclovir for herpes simplex and prior to that was hospitalised for Shingles. However, this week I have a very bad cold, no temp, even bought one of those digital screening thermometer, feel bad, better today. Maybe the above helped and stayed in my system, hate the stuff, they even want to put me on a 6 month course as a prevention for further outbreaks, I have an inherited skin disease and flare ups are more often as I am getting older. Maybe all of us on here should be put on it as a preventive. Hope you all feel better and this damned nightmare will soon end. Take care.
Maybe those of us on preventative antivirals might have a leg up on prevention! You never know!