Taking venetoclax and having a difficult time - CLL Support

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Taking venetoclax and having a difficult time

Jamstev71 profile image
34 Replies

I took imbruvica for 3 years and it stopped working. They started me on venetoclax and ramped it up to 50. My counts got so bad the doctor has temporary taken me off venetoclax. How long on venetoclax before you get to feeling better. This medicine is something else. I have never been so sick.

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Jamstev71 profile image
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34 Replies

what does counts so bad mean, my numbers kept falling as i took it. are yours falling or rising?

Jamstev71 profile image
Jamstev71 in reply to

My hemoglobin is in the low eights, white count about 3, and platelets around 20

in reply to Jamstev71

what did they drop from?

Jamstev71 profile image
Jamstev71 in reply to

My hemoglobin was in the 10, platelets about 70 and white count was up to 52.

AussieNeil profile image
AussieNeilPartnerAdministrator in reply to Jamstev71

That's a good white cell count, so there can't be many lymphocytes left (which is what you should be checking) along with your neutrophils (which protect you from infection).

In Australia, red blood cell infusions to reduce your anaemia, are given when your haemoglobin falls below 80 (8 in your units). Likewise platelet transfusions are given when your platelets fall below 20 if you have an infection and your platelets fall below 10. You are unlikely to be feeling sick due to low platelets unless a bleed somewhere is reducing your haemoglobin. Please see your doctor(s).


writepa profile image
writepa in reply to AussieNeil

My husband took venetoclax for about a week now and his LDH increases from 130-170 level to 270. Upper limit is 235. Do you happen to know why?

AussieNeil profile image
AussieNeilPartnerAdministrator in reply to writepa

In my experience, the most common reason for an increase in LDH is a poor blood draw or poor processing of the blood sample. That can rupture cell membranes, thereby discharging the higher amounts of LDH inside cells into the blood plasma, artificially pushing up the result. It might be due to CLL cells dying from the venetoclax treatment, but I haven't seen that mentioned in literature. I recommend your husband ask his specialist about this and also check if the next test is also high. I personally didn't see a marked increase in LDH when I commenced venetoclax, but my tumour burden was much reduced by then from Acalabrutinib/Calquence and Obinutuzumab/Gazyva.


writepa profile image
writepa in reply to AussieNeil

Thank you, Neil. I’ll check with doctor. how are you doing so far with the trial? platelet increases?

AussieNeil profile image
AussieNeilPartnerAdministrator in reply to writepa

Given this is an unlocked post, I'll direct you to my profile, which I updated today, but it's good news. healthunlocked.com/user/Aus...

Thanks for asking.

PaulaS profile image
PaulaSVolunteer in reply to AussieNeil

Thanks for the update, Neil. Great to see things going well for you at last, after so many complicated ups and downs...


Chillo profile image
Chillo in reply to AussieNeil

Hi NEIL. Wish you doing well. 🙏 I just want to share with you about the news on my husband treatment.

Recently I mention that Dr was going to switch Imbruvica to Venetoclax fue yo allergic reaction. He never start this Medication since it was not approved . So now Dr recommend calquence.

My husband started calquence yesterday. I am praying to God that his body accept this medication well and not complications.

Any recommendations to avoid during calquence treatment?

Thanks again and God bless you.

AussieNeil profile image
AussieNeilPartnerAdministrator in reply to Chillo

Hi Chillo,

Wishing your husband an easy experience with Calquence. As it is a second generation version of Imbruvica with a lower side effect profile, the same considerations apply as with Imbruvica. The major difference is that your husband will need to take two tablets per day about 12 hours apart, so there's not the option of finding out whether taking it in the morning or evening works best.


Chillo profile image
Chillo in reply to AussieNeil

Thank you NEIL.

AussieNeil profile image
AussieNeilPartnerAdministrator in reply to


Ivotedfornixon's question is very pertinent. What were your haemoglobin and platelet counts in particular before you started Venetoclax and when you stopped? Your bone marrow may need the CLL cleaned out more before you begin to feel better. Also, it would help others respond if you explained how you've been sick since starting Venetoclax. I've just been extra tired and have just started on 200mg/day.

You might also get more answers if you edit your post to make it private to our community: healthunlocked.com/cllsuppo...


Jamstev71 profile image
Jamstev71 in reply to AussieNeil

The hemoglobin was mostly in the 10-11 range before venetoclax, my platelets were running around 60-70. I am so weak I can barely walk and my heart is beating very fast. Laying down has been in the 90's.

AdrianUK profile image
AdrianUK in reply to Jamstev71

You should definitely be speaking with your doctors about your condition. You might need a transfusion. And you definitely need regular blood tests to see what’s happening.

The challenge here your doctor will be walking around is that both the CLL and the treatment can affect the bone marrow. They will have to decide when to withold treatment when to give booster shots or transfusions and when to re start it.

Hopeful your doctor is an expert and there’re should be able to give you good advise. But anaemia that is severe is no laughing matter and you might need to be admitted if you are feeling so bad. Hopefully you’ll begin to feel better when your counts are more normal.

PlanetaryKim profile image
PlanetaryKim in reply to Jamstev71

Sorry you're having these problems. I'm just starting venetoclax myself. Am on 100 mg right now. I know in the past, when I was very anemic from CLL, my heart started beating rapidly - and I became arrhythmic then. Please report all this to your doctor. I'm sure you are. I hope your situation improves soon!

cajunjeff profile image
cajunjeff in reply to Jamstev71

Jamstev I wish I could weigh in on the venetoclax side effects. I have not taken it and can only offer from what I have read on here that most people don’t have bad side effects on it. Neil has a good take, maybe your marrow will kick in after it recovers from being cleaned out.

I can relate to the low hemoglobin and how profoundly bad that can make you feel. Mine was 7 at its lowest. I assume you are in contact with your doctor and discussing transfusions with you that can boost you until your marrow recovers and gets your platelets and hemoglobin up. Folic acid can’t hurt if your doc agrees.

The main reason I chimed in was just to wish you luck and tell you to keep your chin up. My hemoglobin recovered and I don’t see why yours can’t too. I hope you start feeling better soon.

turkey2 profile image

I don't remember any of the numbers, but I, too, was on imbruvica for 3 years and then it stopped working. I was started on allpurinol for some time before I was switched to venetoclax (and 6 months of rituximab), and took the imbruvica up to the day before my first dose of venetoclax. This was nearly 2 years ago, and I was sicker than a dog for at least the first week of the ramp up. Wish I could share more specific info, and I know everyone's experiences can be very diverse with this disease, but other than fatigue I have felt pretty good the majority of the time.

roszika profile image

I am on Veneteclax as I have stated a few times on this forum. My MRD is oooo but I do have stomach aches, myalgia symptoms and fatigue but I consider these are minor side effects compared to the good result. I do believe there has to be side effects , After all being on Veneteclax for nearly a years surely has changed my blood chemistry. On another subject let us hope the Corona virus petes out be nothing more than a mild virus similar to the common cold virus- good luck everyone.

Doggoneit101 profile image

I'm sorry you are having a rough time on Venteclax. Everyone responds differently to medicines. I have not had any bad blood results and I've been on Venteclax for almost 4 months. I have noticed some days I'm more tired and I get occasional heartburn. Are you taking any other meds with it to ramp up?

Jamstev71 profile image
Jamstev71 in reply to Doggoneit101

Yes allopol to help keep from getting tumor lysis. The doctor let me take a temporary break from the medicine because it hit all my numbers so fast and all the counts took a sudden drop.

Chillo profile image
Chillo in reply to Doggoneit101

Hi! My husband was in Imbruvica for 3 weeks. Then he got allergic reaction. Today Dr recommended venetoclax. Any information what to expect is appreciated it.

Stay safe

Jamstev71 profile image
Jamstev71 in reply to Chillo

They gradually increase the medicine and feel bad for about a month but I'm beginning to feel better. His blood counts will probably fall at first but mine are coming up now. Good chance of going in remission with this drug.

Doggoneit101 profile image

I also was given Allpurinal to ramp up. Any word on how long of a break you get before you restart. Hopefully when you restart things will go much better.

Jamstev71 profile image

I think one of the problems is the doctor letting me go with low hemoglobin

17Pisme profile image

My question would be was Ibrutinib still working but at a less than 100% effective rate (which was my story)? If you went from partial effective with Ibrutinib and cold turkey onto Venetoclax, the ramp up period with Venetoclax didn't equal what you left with Ibrutinib which is what happened to me. Things got much better when 6 straight weeks of Retuxinmab was ordered to fill the gap. You might want to ask your Dr.

Canuck901 profile image
Canuck901 in reply to 17Pisme

How are you doing on the Venetoclax? Any update ?

Jamstev71 profile image
Jamstev71 in reply to Canuck901

Doing pretty good. My blood counts are a little low but stable.

Canuck901 profile image
Canuck901 in reply to Jamstev71

That’s great news are you on reduced dose or Full dose ?

Jamstev71 profile image
Jamstev71 in reply to Canuck901

Full dose. I have to take it for two years.

writepa profile image

thank you. his LDH returns to normal in subsequent tests.

in reply to writepa

That's great!

Canuck901 profile image

Any update ?

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