Hello. Has anyone had a bright CD20 and Bright Lambda light chain on BMB and if so, how has that effected your W&W or treatments
Bright vs dim CD20 and bright lambda light chain - CLL Support
Bright vs dim CD20 and bright lambda light chain

Madison, I have Bright Lambda light chain and intermediate CD20 with a Bright CD23, and I have been in W&W since 2/28/01. None of that means anything in relation to your profile. It only says we both have the markings of CLL--Your Dr. will watch out for and will most likely tell you the significance of anything you have a question about for your specific CLL. (If your Dr. will not answer your questions, you might want to explore getting one who will. Go Hoosiers!
I am glad you posted, because I wanted to make sure you have read some of the significant postings we have for new CLLers. The one that gives you a specific group of things to take care of for your overall health and to keep you healthy or make you even healthier in your watch and waiting period the following link:
Best wishes as you take the things you can do for yourself to feel fit in these early and later days of CLL Watch and Wait.