If you live in the UK and have bought houmous in the last week or so then check this list and your fridge right now to check you are not at risk of salmonella. Salmonella is potentially very serious even to people with an intact immune system. To us it could be life threatening.
Here is the list:
There has been a product recall today (4 November 2019) in the UK for many brands of supermarket houmous. It is specific to one manufacturer and to certain batches in terms of use by dates. but that manufacture makes houmous for several different supermarkets.
This does raise the issues of how much at the mercy we are of manufacturers of processed fresh food. In general it does make one wary of buying food that has seen the inside of a factory. Having said that of course if we were to make our own houmous for example, we might introduce our own contamination.
It is also possible to sign up for the alert system on the UK governments food website to be alerted if more foods get withdrawn.