My mother diagnosed with cll last year. We had a family function and everything was normal till yesterday. We had a drive if 4-5 hours back home. She was feeling sick. In the morning she had 102 temperature. She is in w&w. We took her to the doctor, it had been a very hectic two days. Is it normal or is it something to worry! Please help
Mother suddenly got fever : My mother diagnosed... - CLL Support
Mother suddenly got fever
High fevers are more of a concern with CLL when the neutrophil count is below the normal range, particularly when it is below 1,0 (normal range is above 1.8 or so). There's an increased risk of febrile neutropenia, which requires prompt IV antibiotics.
Do you know what your mother's last neutrophil count was - hopefully checked by her doctor when he saw her with that high fever?
Thank you for the reply. Her neutrophils are 37% as per the last report in 6th month
That sounds promising, but it's the absolute count that's important. If you can't find the neutrophil count in her latest blood test, (it may be labelled Segs or Neuts), you can work out her neutrophil count by multiplying her WBC by 37%.
Her wbc is at 25,700 and ne is 8.9
Your mother's neutrophil count is very good, though perhaps a bit on the high side because she has an illness that is causing her high fever.