Once again, big thanks to the German CLL Study Group!
Upcoming CLL17 trial: (obinutuzumab + venetocl... - CLL Support
Upcoming CLL17 trial: (obinutuzumab + venetoclax) versus (ibrutinib + venetoclax) versus (ibrutinib monotherapy)

Very interesting 🧐
Sigh. I am beginning to have doubts about my hubby 17p- being in a
Clinical Trial of the I and Pembrolizumab which no one else seems to
be studying. He really seems to have kinda an indolent form of CLL. I
am concerned with hitting him with the big guns might make him have
bad reactions. Well, I guess the trial can always be stopped.
Thanks, Linda. I need to learn to tweet!
Hey check out this page on the drug you mention. Sounds like the goal is to boost the T cells. cancerresearchuk.org/about-...
It’s already licensed in some other cancers so sounds like a reasonable thing to be looking at.
But if you are worried about the trial the best thing to do is to talk to his doctors and nurses about it. They will be able to explain the logic behind the study and why they felt it was best for him to be part of that study rather than something else.
The most important thing for all of us at the moment is that there are a lot of good treatments and more being studied!
It is really good for as many of us as possible to volunteer for studies though of course it’s crucial for us to make sure that what we volunteer for makes sense for us (part of the role of a good CLL expert!)
Thanks for the wise advise. His doc wanted him on a trial at least 2 years ago. We said no since it would have cost us a lot of money at work. It almost seems they have very few 70ish CLL patients with
17p. Hubby is the first one for this study. T-counts. With my health problems, mine got as low as an AIDS patient with 4 months to live.
Yet, it came back up. Thankfully!!
This is the odd thing (after reading about the side effects). My husband should have retired by now. Not meaning quit working but stepping down from being a partner. However, the 40yo woman who is to replace him is going through treatment for Stage 4 colon cancer with
also a spot on her liver). Someone has to feel well enough to go to
work. So far, she does not (bless her heart!). We are having a meeting
with the Nurse Practitioner who is well versed in cancer treatment on
June 19. Will talk with him. I like the regular doc but English is not his first language. Easier to talk with the nurse.
Thanks again. Linda
Work may have to take a back seat if health demands if!
You are right. He has felt worse this week than ever before. The work has tax deadlines required by the US govt. Hmm. Wonder who they will get to file! Time will tell. Oh, wait, the clients can actually be sold here in the US!!
Is it his own business? If not let them stew!
found an image describing CLL17 pbs.twimg.com/media/D9aPT3x...
I'm glad to see they are finally enrolling patients for CLL17. Why does it take 21 months from announcing the trial to enroll the first patient?
source: twitter.com/Othman_Al_Sawaf...