Has anyone heard from Lola? Concerned we haven’t seen a post from her.
Lola : Has anyone heard from Lola? Concerned we... - CLL Support

I started a thread for her and tagged her so she would have comments from everyone in one place, as the other thread was getting very long. She hasn’t posted anything there. Hopefully she is just giving herself time to heal, physically and mentally. I don’t think we realize how much a serious illness robs us of our sense of whatever keeps us balanced in life. I know that many here are sending their best wishes and many prayers for her to feel better soon.
Yes, our whole community is very very concerned about her.....just word or two words would be a comfort!💕💕💕💕💕🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️😍😍😍😍😍.
That’s a problem with Internet communities. People don't have a way to contact each other easily - phone, drive by, etc.
We often develop fondness and relationships for each other (at least some of the time!), but often are just avatars and personalities behind a keyboard.
I doubt she heard that! Oh well!

I heard from her a week ago, but it was very brief and health related, so I can't comment further.
I'm concerned, but she has excellent care and two CLL specialist, in a major research hospital.
~chris 🇨🇦
Thank you. Hope we hear good news from her soon.
Hi All,
I am concerned about Lola. Has anyone heard from her lately? We all miss her posts and updates. Hopefully she recovering.
My prayers and thoughts go out to Lola and her family.
Good health and hugs to all.
Josephine 🙏❤️😊🙏❤️🙏❤️😊
I too hope we hear good news from her. I am concerned we haven't heard from her and hope she is recovering well.
I have been thinking about her too. I hope someone can find out or hope she can reply. Prayers
Lola has been on my mind, too. Thought, best to type her name in search bar on CLL forum which led me here. Sending good thoughts to Lola.