Tomorrow is my husbands first hematology appointment since his diagnosis in September! Went in Wednesday for a ton of blood work! Can’t sleep thinking of what we need to ask! What are some good questions we need to ask! Thank you! Can’t wait for tomorrow to be over with!!!
First Appt: Tomorrow is my husbands first... - CLL Support
First Appt

Hi Nanatoo4, I suggest you focus your initial questions on the types of vaccinations required for your husband and your family close to him. As infection control is important. That is what I’ve done as I was diagnosed with CLL a couple of months ago. (As well as trying to chill and be mentally positive which I am) I also found when talking to the ‘specialist’ Dr at my hospital, he wasn’t as aware of the required vaccinations as what I’ve learnt from this community as the Dr asked me to supply him the evidence so that he would then write a letter to my medical practice advising which vaccinations to supply to family and myself. At least the Dr was honest, but it made me mindful of what some one told me many years ago about professional people, would I use a Dentist to carry out a gynocology type operation on my wife, after all they are both doctors! So my point being, ensure to ask your Dr if they have previous CLL patient treatment experience. For myself I plan to seek an alternative ‘specialist’ Dr once I’ve revisited my family Dr. Hope this helps.
I will ask her how many CLL patients she has. Also our primary was very well informed. We got flu shots and my husband got his last pneumonia shot! So we see it to date. Thank you!
Regards the pneumonia shot when I asked the practice nurse she wasn’t aware there was two recommended Prevnar 13 first then pneumovax 23 at least 2 months later? I believe if the latter is used only then the period to wait is a year. Hope this helps for now
I agree with the others below. At this point in the disease progression you would be worried about all the shots you would need just in case you have to start therapy because once you start therapy shots are out the door. Also a dentist appointment would be good too because if you need to start therapy you can't go to the dentist unless it is an emergency. Eat as much fresh fruits and veggies as you can because for some once therapy starts that turns into canned or frozen. I just finished Cycle 4 of FCR and I was on W&W for 2 years. I miss fresh veggies and fresh fruit! Hopefully your W&W goes on for many years!