Hi I was just diagnosed with stage 0 CLL last month.Of course I've been reading everything I can find about it.Green tea extract and tumeric keep coming up.How much should I take and does it really help? I'm a62 yr old healthy female.Any help would be wonderful! Thank you so much!
Greentea and tumeric extract dosing for CLL - CLL Support
Greentea and tumeric extract dosing for CLL

This link will get you started...
However green tea or green tea and curcumin are no longer a recommended approach by the Mayo doctor who did the PolyphenonE studies, because nobody knows what's in OTC stuff, dosing, purity, pesticides and heavy metals etc. Your best bet might be certfied organic tea from Japan, but it is expensive.
If you proceed with a therapuetic dose, please have your liver monitored every 3-4 months...
That's simply not true. There are standardized extracts available, in addition to organic supplements, and those tested for pesticides, heavy metals, etc. The key is buy from a verified, trusted source.
I agree with crystalsky. Your statement is to broad to say you cannot fine legitimate OTC companies. I am newbie and have done a great deal of reading on this site and the referenced sites and all I have seen leads to green tea and turmeric. I have found what I feel is a good company to order my green tea pills from. It is very upsetting after a few days on this site to have someone shoot down what appears to be a good approach to fight CLL.
I'm only stating the caution given by the Mayo doctor who ran the two initial trials, about the use OTC EGCG....
There have been concerns about the use of pesticides in green tea from China. It may no longer be an issue, I don't know, do you?
And India?
Labdoor has done some Green Tea testing... not sure if its good, bad or indifferent...
Unfortunately, the unregulated (in most countries) supplements industry is fast growing to equal the prescription drugs industry worldwide in terms of sales and the safety concerns are real.
See this PBS Frontline Supplements and Safety report, following the New York Attorney General's actions against major retailers: healthunlocked.com/cllsuppo...
Obviously demand is not slowing, so it's a pity that marketers continue to put their money into lobbying governments to keep an unregulated industry, rather than funding efforts to clean it up, so consumers have increased confidence that they are being sold what they want...
Yes you can read about Glen Sabin and his remission from CLL with EGCG but it should be a high grade of EGCG and also a very strong dose 2000-4000mg.
95% of people can tolerate EGCG but you need to get the liver tested as it can cause liver failure. Better be safe than sorry
Thank you After the two replies I recieved so far I think I'll steer clear for now.
I posed the same question to this board last year when I was diagnosed. I’m a 67 yr old male also at stage 0. I received a lot of feedback about dosage, effectiveness, sources, and outcomes. I wish there was a way to send you all the posts I received from this terrific board.
Thanks for the reply.Are you currently taking green tea extract? If so has it helped and how are you doing a year after diagnosis?
Hello Gransan4. What I have found on this site is there are many people taking the green tea and turmeric. I have ordered my pills and have the turmeric. I will start as soon as my green tea pills arrive. AussieNeil is one person that has shared a great deal of information on this subject and he has been taking the tea and turmeric. I am not knowledgeable as to when to start taking the tea and turmeric but I am sure you will find this out on this site. I recommend that you search "Need help dosing turmeric and green tea for CLL".
Here's the post: healthunlocked.com/cllsuppo...
Just bear in mind that in most countries, supplements marketing is unregulated and substitution and contamination are real issues. The supplements industry does have better regulation in Australia, with known dangerous herbal product imports banned, but even here the level of independent inspection is woefully inadequate.
I’m on a clinical trial. The pharmacist told me not to take garlic nor turmeric in pills, But ok to put fresh garlic and turmeric seasonings on my food. He also told me to stop a certain multivitamin because it had turmeric in it. They were unsure of effects on what meds I’m on. Just another perspective to think about.
Thank you.Honestly I appreciate all of tbe replies but I feel more anxious about what to actually do more than ever.Just go with Dr. Protocol? Ughh So scary and confusing !😐
You need to treat herbal and vitamin supplement remedies just like any other medicinal product. Remember that many medicines are derived from observing the response to natural remedies, identifying the active ingredient and finding a way to produce and package that ingredient in the right strength to be beneficial, hopefully without causing adverse effects.
Many substances can be beneficial to poisonous depending on the dose. Drinking too much water can kill you, yet we need water to live. At a support meeting last Monday, I heard blood cancer patient describe their successful treatment with arsenic! cancercenter.com/cancer-dru...
Just as with prescribed medications, herbal remedies and supplements do interact with other medications. They can accentuate or counteract the effect of other medications and their side effects.
Finally, bear in mind that everything we ingest needs to be eventually processed by our liver and kidneys and we need to keep these in good health to keep us healthy. Having inadequate kidney or liver function really complicates matters should we need treatment. Having inadequate kidney function excludes you from enrolling in a clinical trial.
Hi Gransan4,
I agree it can be scary and confusing, trying to work out what’s the best thing to do to improve our chances on the CLL journey.
If you haven’t already read it, you might find the following post helpful. It’s a list of “29 Things we can Do to help our journey with CLL". I gathered most of the points from this forum, so it’s very much a joint effort from everyone here.
These are not complicated medical things – just relatively simple things that we can do ourselves. Not everything will be relevant to you, as we’re all very different, but I hope you'll find some useful points there.
Wishing you all the best
Paula (in Yorkshire, UK).
Thank you so much Paula!
Read this article for reference on ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl...
Below are some of the important comments in the article.
This is the first published case report of "spontaneous" recovery from secondary autoimmune hemolytic anemia in an adult.
Clinical remission of chronic lymphocytic leukemia without conventional therapy is a rare event, estimated to occur at the rate of 1% per year among cases of CLL .
Moreover, most such remissions are incomplete; a recent review of 21 such cases found persistent monoclonal B lymphocytosis in 67%, with only 33% regressing to a molecularly normal phenotype. In addition, the more time elapsed between diagnosis and remission, the greater the likelihood of persistent monoclonal B lymphocytosis. Here, however, we describe a case of complete clinical and molecular regression of chronic lymphocytic leukemia achieved without conventional systemic treatment and occurring twenty years after diagnosis.
The content published in Cureus is the result of clinical experience and/or research by independent individuals or organizations. Cureus is not responsible for the scientific accuracy or reliability of data or conclusions published herein. All content published within Cureus is intended only for educational, research and reference purposes. Additionally, articles published within Cureus should not be deemed a suitable substitute for the advice of a qualified health care professional. Do not disregard or avoid professional medical advice due to content published within Cureus.
I am 74 and not depending on chemo or radiation. Listening to DR. Mark Stengler who can be found online. Ozone therapy, Oxygen Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy. I have read everything I can find in CLL and this is the way for me to go. I do not trust the BIG Pharma to take care of me.
Radiation treatment is extremely rare for CLL/SLL. Interestingly, if it is used early enough with SLL - before the cancerous cells spread beyond a few nodes, it can provide a permanent cure.
I think the last approval in the USA for a new chemotherapy treatment for CLL/SLL was for FCR in March 2010 - 9 years ago. Since then, approved treatments have been non-chemo based, primarily monoclonal antibodies and targeted inhibitors. (See below.)
Ozone therapy has been previously posted about here - don't waste your money:
Due to the increasing effectiveness of modern treatments, the use of stem cell transplants for CLL is waning away, which given the high fatality risk (20% at age 50 and worsening with age) is a positive development.
Here's a review of Dr. Mark Stengler: reviewopedia.com/health-rev...
Here are the recent FDA approvals for CLL treatment. The only recent CLL chemo treatment approval was for Bendamustine in 2015, though it was first approved for medical use in the USA in 2008 and was synthesized in 1963!