Did chemo in Oct. Done in Feb. Go every other month for the shot will do for the next 2 yrs. OK,,, I was told that people that have cll get a second cancer.. Try not to think bout it.. Waiting on the other shoe to drop,,do everyone will get it
Scare. : Did chemo in Oct. Done in Feb. Go... - CLL Support

Those with CLL do have a higher percent of secondary cancers. Perhaps one of the more scientifically oriented on the sight can throw out a number. That does not mean that you will get a second cancer, just that you need to stay up to date on screenings by your doctor and be aware, as all people should be, of any changes - self skin checks, breast checks, aware of unusual pain or bleeding, etc. This is not something to obsess about. It's just something to make a part of your routine self care.

MsLockYourPosts is right that we just have a higher risk of secondary cancers. That doesn't mean that you are going to get a secondary cancer - in fact, because you know about the higher risk, you are in an excellent position to have any health concerns checked. So if you are unfortunate enough to develop a secondary cancer, you would be in an excellent situation of catching it early and having an excellent outcome.
I could give you statistics, but I think the best proof is observing how infrequently members post about this happening. Then bear in mind how many members don't post at all, because they are getting along with their lives post treatment just fine.
For some of us CLL was our second cancer. For others with CLL the second cancer is often skin cancer so we see a dermatologist every 6 months and he removes them or freezes them in his office. It isn't a big deal when caught that quickly. Also CLL usually hits the elderly over 70 who are now living longer with the new treatments so we tend to get things we might not have lived long enough to experience like arthritis, heart problems, and skin cancer.

You mentioned going every two months for the shot. What shot is that?
Rexbitin or something like that.will be doing every 2 months for 2 years.. It's a maintenance shot

You might want to "lock" this post before answering these questions, especially if you have used anything close to your real name. Where are you - a general idea - and what was your treatment? Where are you being treated? It is not usual for CLL patients to get maintenance rituxan (rituxamab), but our CLLs are all very different. My first treatment was rituxan alone, also unusual, but it gave me ten years in remission.
To lock your post go back to your original question. Click on the v next to more. Then go to the bottom of the post and change the setting from everyone to community only. That way your information won't show up on google, etc. if you have problems with this include that you need help here.