Even though I have Stage 1 CLL I have been pretty ill this year and finding it hard to keep going. The support of this group has been important to me. Over the last few weeks (and finally off tamoxifen after 5 years for breast cancer with all the withdrawal symptoms that brought on!) I have felt better and better. My neck glands are significantly down (although I have lost a significant amount of hearing as these were in my neck) but all in all onwards an dupwards. So yesterday I went to a body pump class at my local gym and the instructor is a haematologist at Kings, London. Says I am doing the best thing exercising and that he can help me when the time comes ........ I felt blessed to have met him. I will not post a picture of me in class - too too shaming.
Happy Coincidence or ...: Even though I have... - CLL Support
Happy Coincidence or ...

Hi Steffi, welcome. Very positive and taking steps always good things to do.

Bless you Steffi, completely understand about the photo as I would be the same and what a happy coincidence to meet a friendly haematologist like that!
Steffi, glad things are going better for you, and good for you being active! I know what you mean about being blessed by your encounter with the hematologist. The sweetest woman from my church just happened past my hospital room when I was still a bit groggy after my port placement, and she was definitely my "angel" for the day. My pastor said there are no accidents, right? (-: Wishing you all the best from Ohio!
No such thing as shaming. Poor attitudes can be shameful but supportive people struggling together through the adversities being served on our plates is worthy of applause no matter what our stage. I’ve spent the last five years in Watch n Wait...after surviving uterine cancer. If it’s not one thing it will be something else. Celebrate YOU as you are now. Askmehowiknow
Ok how do you know?
This group has helped me so much!