How common are secondary cancer with cll?
Secondary cancers: How common are secondary... - CLL Support
Secondary cancers

Depends... age is a factor so is cancer type. Sometimes treatment with chemoimmunotherapy, but also new agents can cause secondary cancers... but the risk seems to be substantually less, but not zero.
Certainly skin cancers are quite common. Prostate, kidney, colon, lung, gastric cancers...
MDS/AML and Diffuse large B cell lymphoma and Hodkin's lymphoma by Richter's transformation...
Here is a previous discussion.
A retrospective study from the days of chemo and chemo immunotherapy... things may be changing for the better, but pretty early yet...
Since I have had/have two secondary cancers in addition to CLL my advice, get a dermatologist and do an annual body scan, test for occult blood in the stools, and do a colonoscopy if needed...monitor any lumps or bumps, they could be nodes, but they could be an exnodal transformation...
Further see an opthamologist annual... and be very body aware. Regular examinations breast, PAP, prostate... don't put them off...
I have a Gyno, dermatologist and ophthalmologist as well as a family doctor and oncologist for my CLL. 2 years ago I noticed a spot on my vulva and thought was an ingrown hair. .. dermatologist said to go do a Pap test and lucky for me came out clear but spot on vulva was a VIN AND LUCKY FOR ME IT WAS REMOVED .. it is caused by the HPV VIRUS .. no idea where I caught it but point is if u notice anything off don’t wait. Glad I went. ..
Yes I think it is important that we get checked by the doctors whether it’s every six months with the dermatologist ,once to year with the Gastro guy and once a year chest X-Ray. If you do have a cancer somewhere more often that doctor will see you.

Hi Sushibruno,
Cllcanada has an excellent, detailed & thorough answer.
The short version I learned at the last CLLCanada live conference was that CLL patients get all secondary cancers about 2.3 times more often than "normal" folks, and skin cancers 5+ times more often. A Canadian study discovered that we even get 2nd cancers more frequently than most other types of Lymphomas.
So after my first skin cancer removal, I get a thorough full body skin exam from a dermatologist/oncologist every 6 months. And I get colonoscopies more often, even though the last polyp was removed 10 years ago.
When I was first Dx I went home to mother and laughed. She found it odd!! We all have our own way of receiving news!
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