About to start treatment with GAZYA, anyone else on this?
CLL: About to start treatment with GAZYA, anyone... - CLL Support

Is this frontline as a single agent or combined with Chlorambucil?
There are a number of CLLers here who have had GC, and a few who have had Gazyva as a secondline monotherapy.
Hopefully they will be able to help you further...

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Hi there
Start cycle 5 today of GC today, some issues on first infusion but these were quickly overcome, no other major problems thank goodness! Recent scan has shown only one rogue node that is refusing to shrink to normal size but apart from that bloods are now in the normal range. Very close to CR but BMB will confirm or otherwise.
Good luck to you
My husband has CLL and SLL. He had 2 treatments with Gazyva, a week apart. Minor infusion reactions (elevated BP and heart rate; chills and a “hot flash”) the first day, none since. Huge drop in WBC count, which remains low, along with ALC and ANC. That’s the good news.
The bad news is those numbers and platelets were too low to get treatment #3, although they have come up since. But then he developed fever, pneumonia, and pleural effusion of chyle (lymph liquid) related to his lymphoma (SLL). PE is not listed as a common side effect, but at least one other member of this forum also experienced it, replying to one of my previous posts.
I sincerely hope your treatment goes well, without any such problems. Will follow with interest. Kristin
Today I start 2 cicle
So far so good
Be well prepared for first apl of GAZYVA it can have strong reactions
The first treatment for me was a slight challenge but after that, it was smooth sailing. You will enjoy the sudden drop in your WBC.
It's worked good for me. No side effects after the first day. Even first day not bad...like a flu for a very short period... a little weak that day. Quite amazing drug in my opinion.
I had a combo of gazyva and acalabrutinib which is going very well...very important to ask about pretreatment regime before first infusion to hopefully avoid/lessen infusion reaction...best of luck with your journey.
I just had my 5th round of Gazya. I have been on Venetoclax for a month prior to starting Gazya. I did not have any problems with it. Reminder that Gazya goes after all the B Cells, not just the bad one. I have been getting it monthly. They have a very strict protocol of how fast they can give you the infusion. Make sure if you feel any changes while getting infused, to speak up to the nurse right away. That could be an allergic reaction. Drink lots of fluids for several day before and after.
thanks for all the posts, as well as cll i have ra, thyroid issues diabetes atrial fibrillation and take many tablets including blood thinners so i’m quite worried if the gazya will react against any of these too