I attended a lecture in Aberdeen this evening delivered by Dr Anna Campbell MBE which outlined the evidence underpinning the benefits of physical activity at every stage of one's cancer journey. Together with a variety of other eminent clinicians and researchers she has demonstrated emphatically that regular exercise can combat fatigue and improve confidence - along with a host of other benefits. She appears to be the primary force behind the MacMillan Move More initiative and I personally can testify to feeling better since I commenced the circuits programme six weeks ago. Now throughout my treatment and remission phases I've tried to remain active but joining a structured group has motivated me all the more and encouraged me beyond my initial expectations. The beauty of the MacMillan initiative is that it caters for all levels of capability and initial fitness. Like minded people attend these sessions and the opportunity to chat and share experiences is totally unlike any gym or walking group I've ever been involved with. The link below navigates (hopefully) to the relevant MacMillan website pages and there Is an abundance of information therein. Or simply chase up your MacMillan contacts in your local area. I would especially recommend this to anyone on Watch & Wait as a way of improving your health and well being prior to any future treatment.
PS The photo is an Autumn sunny Sunday in Scotland - in itself a good tonic!