Mammogram follow-up - false alarm due to CLL n... - CLL Support

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Mammogram follow-up - false alarm due to CLL nodes?

janloveslife profile image
17 Replies

I had a mammogram about three weeks ago and they have seen something untoward on it and I have been called back to the hospital for an appointment. Could this be CLL related? I am worried sick.

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janloveslife profile image
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17 Replies
Newdawn profile image

Jan, I hope all is ok but I've read other posts on here from members who have had mammograms and a swollen lymph node from the CLL was seen on the result causing unnecessary alarm.

I warned the radiographer doing mine of this possibility.

It's always a worrying time to get a recall but there can be so many 'innocent' reasons especially for us who may have little swellings, particularly under the armpits. Hope you're able to get back there for a quick appointment to put your mind at rest. Let us know.


janloveslife profile image
janloveslife in reply to Newdawn

Thanks Newdawn, my appoint at the hospital is on Thursday. I will let you know how I get on. Deep down I think it is probably CLL related but your mind plays so many tricks on you.

wroxham-gb profile image
wroxham-gb in reply to janloveslife

Jan, best wishes for Thursday. Will be thinking of you. I was diagnosed from a mammogram with CLL. Hope you can cope with the worry until then.


AussieNeil profile image
AussieNeilPartnerAdministrator in reply to janloveslife

An understandably worrying time for you, but I suspect you'll hear as others have that you've received a follow-up appointment due to a false positive because of an enlarged CLL node.

I've changed your post title so it is more easily found by other likewise concerned members in the future.


nvp815 profile image

Hi Jan,

My mammograms have been labeled abnormal for almost the past three years. Each time they call me back for additional testing (either additional mammogram views, ultrasounds or MRIs), I get the wave of panic that maybe this time it is going to be a breast cancer diagnosis. I am happy to report all additional testing has always had the same results - lymph nodes related to CLL. I certainly hope this is the case for you. Please keep us posted, but I hope my experience eases some of your worry in the meantime.


janloveslife profile image
janloveslife in reply to nvp815

Thankyou that helps a lot x

neurodervish profile image

Hi Jan,

All these replies look familiar. I would only add to keep breathing. :)

Do keep us posted. You will be in my thoughts too.

Purple_lady9999 profile image

I had a mammogram a year ago that showed enlarged lymph nodes and was diagnosed with cll last fall. Since I had enlarged lymph nodes shown on an mri of my lower spine a year and a half before that I just figured it was more of the same. I had bloodwork then that showed above normal levels of lymphocytes after the mri, but they went back to normal six weeks later. Unfortunately since diagnosis my lymphocytes have continued to rise.

But I bet your mammogram just showed enlarged lymph nodes just like I bet my next one will.

MsLockYourPosts profile image
MsLockYourPostsPassed Volunteer

Call backs for enlarged lymph nodes are very common. I have also been called back for breast cysts. Are you going back for an ultrasound? My doctor wanted the cysts drained to insure that they would not hide anything behind them - easy procedure and fluid is always biopsied, but no big deal.

janloveslife profile image
janloveslife in reply to MsLockYourPosts

I am not sure what they are going to do. I am having a horrid week worrying about it but all of peoples comments on here have helped to quell my nerves. I did have a cyst once before that was drained but I cant feel a lump this time so I am pretty sure it will be something and nothing. Just feel sad that we all have to go through this all the time.

MsLockYourPosts profile image
MsLockYourPostsPassed Volunteer in reply to janloveslife

If you have had the mammogram ultrasound is usually the next step. It shows whether what was found is fluid filled or solid. Call backs are always worrisome, but I think that it is most likely that this is CLL related or a cyst. I could not feel two of my cysts and had no idea that they were there. The third one appeared overnight - about the size of a golf ball, making it very likely that it was a cyst.

You have the right to call and ask what the next step is. You could also ask for a copy of the mammogram report or ask your doctor to get it and interpret it for you.

You might want to lock your post to community only. Click on the little down arrow at the bottom and then on community only. This can only be done on the original post, but affects all information in the thread.

Ellieoak profile image

Yes it could be. Tell them you have CLL MAKE SURE that they understand that. Before you proceed with anything.

Catskillady profile image

I understand your concern and I feel your worry as this has happened to me. About two years ago my axillary enlarged nodes appeared on my mammogram. The difference is I was told this prior to leaving the facility that performed the mammogram. This gave me time to discuss it with my CLL oncologist and bring him the report and films. He recommended I do not do anything further. Since I trust him, I abided by his decision and all went well. If possible, I suggest you go to a facility that gives you all reports before you leave the day of the mammogram. That way you can bring the reports for a second opinion. I wish you the very best of luck and good health!


Seven6 profile image

I was diagnosed with breast cancer nine years ago after a mammogram. I had a excision plus node biopsy (node biopsy was clear) followed by radiotherapy. It was a frightening time but I am so glad that the mammogram picked up the cancer early and I am now discharged from the hospital. The treatment and support I received in the UK was A1 and I soon returned to 'normal' life.

Thinking of you, and hope all turns out well and I am reassuring you that should there be a problem, all is very hopeful.


horselvr profile image

I have just been newly diagnosed with CLL. My Mammogram showed swelling in the armpit after having ultrasound the radiologist said I would need a biopsy. I feel blessed that after all the test I am in the W&W stage and will try to maintain a positive outlook and live life to the fullest. Wishing you the best on Thursday that all will be well.

annmcgowan profile image

Hi Jan my CLL was diagnosed in breast screening almost 6 years ago. I have had 1 follow up which was clear. I did remind them of my CLL to prevent false positives. I am due to my 2nd breast screening this year and will remind them again. Hope all goes well for you.


greygirl profile image

my oncologist also deals with breast cancer and I have two nodes on each side and he has not said anything to me about it being something to be concerned. If you drink caffeine which I do, you can have nodes from it which are not associated with breast cancer. I`m not sure if I can even attribute them to CLL. I guess if I stop drinking coffee I would know for sure but it is a simple pleasure I care not to exclude from my life!

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