I have been searching for simplified ways to express to you the risk from CT scanning without getting overly technical. I hope you all got my prior message that the younger you are and if you are female the risk goes up particularly using the age criteria. Below is a simply put video that gives a brief way to think about your risk IF you have access to or get the radiation readings from your scans. One of the many questions I have not been able to obtain a convincing answer for, is whether an immune deficient CLL patient is at greater risk from the same amount of ionizing radiation than an equivalently aged healthy immune person is? Simplistic logic would seem to suggest there is a greater risk in immune compromised people. The video does not address this.
Video: How much dose do I get from different procedures?
After viewing the above video, click link below for a very cool X-Ray Risk calculator tool. I would suggest playing around with it by putting in information as a 40 year old female vs a 70 year old man to impress upon you where the risk is gravest.
Suggestions for using: Remember to click on the menu for scan type i.e. "plain film X-ray" (default) vs "CT scan" (select each time you change data input). Then select body tissue or area of scan and the calculator will put in a mSv (milli-sievert) value for you. This will likely not be what your actual scans expose you to but it can be a way to calculate relative risk given age and gender. You might want to put in an arbitrary number of scans that are likely in a Clinical Trial scenario for one year, even if you are in the W&W of your CLL journey. I suggest 4 or 5 scans. Since radiation is cumulative throw in 10 scans and see what you get. The calculator is cool in that it gives some other risk data at the bottom to put “risk” in a perspective of sorts. If you keep a log of your radiation exposure from all sources you could easily tailor this calculator to be more specific and accurate for you and your individual scanning experiences.
Admin: Removed <> from around web links; links should now work...