how to overcome out of the pain. the pain is not continuous. it comes and goes after some time, some times after hours
i am my left shoulder back, left arm and left ... - CLL Support
i am my left shoulder back, left arm and left forarm is paining at regular intervals. kindly let me what is the cause of the problem?

Hi sushilcelin,,
Sounds like one for your doctor this problem because although we seem to experience a higher level of muscular and joint pain as CLL'ers, there can be a multitude of reasons behind it. Some of them unconnected to the condition.
Could be muscular, skeletal, over use, nerve or even related to meds you are taking.
Have you discussed the problem with your physician? Maybe X Rays or scan may be needed.
Good luck with locating the problem as I appreciate it can be very uncomfortable and wearing after a while. Difficulty is, members on here may have experienced the same but for very different reasons.
ask your doctor to refer you to a orthopaedic surgeon,you and pitbull might need a rotor cuff repair,do not put everything down to cll,you will drive yourself around the bloody .bend,stress is the killer,stay well,brian
I had a sharp ( occasional ) pain in my left shoulder and neck and was told it was a ' frozen ' shoulder.
I was advised to exercise it, which I still do by stretching/contracting the muscles. Initially this meant stretching ' into ' the pain and it seems to have worked.
You should see your GP and discuss it, as it is obviously causing you some distress.

I would look at an enlarged node pressing on a nerve, especially if the pain is not movement related... is your spleen enlarged? it is on the left side as well.
You need to follow up with your doctor, I would see your GP first, then your CLL specialist...