I have a particularly nasty one at the back of my throat and it does not seem to be getting better. Can these be caused by a suppressed immunity or what?
Has anyone experienced mouth ulcers? - CLL Support
Has anyone experienced mouth ulcers?

You should see a doctor for a correct diagnosis. They could be caused by suppressed immune system or perhaps low levels of B12 uptake and many things in between...
These are not something you can let go, if you have CLL.
I always get a lot of painful ulcers when I'm feeling particularly run down. Mines always clear up after a week or so though.
I have had these too. They can be an allergic reaction or low immune system but are very unpleasent.

Many CLL patients have reported mouth ulcers. I agree with Chris that it is important to see a doctor so you know exactly what is causing your sores. It could be caused by low immunity because of chemo, thrush or something as serious as another cancer, for example. Self treating in this case could be dangerous. Checking with your doctor should give you some peace of mind, and he can probably prescribe a mouth wash that will help with the pain at the same time.
Thank you. Am seeing my consultant tomorrow, so will mention it then. Did not realise it could be so serious.
Hi Marisa, I wonder if you're currently having chemotherapy? Cytotoxic chemotherapy works by attcking fast dividing (i.e cancer / CLL cells) & hence also affects other fast dividing cells in the body....i.e. cells than line the oral mucosa in the mouth, bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tract & hair follicle cells which can result in mouth ulcers (mucositis) G/I upset / nausea, bone marrow supression (leading to possible neutropaenia / anaemia etc).& hair loss respectively. Whilst immunosuppresion certainly plays a part in increasing the risk of mouth ulcers becoming infected, it is actually the cytotoxic action of many chemotherapy agents that most often leads to the development of mouth ulcers. I hope that your local hospital are recommending regular use of sodium bicarbonate mouthwashes or something similar....& if the ulscers are painful, topical pain relief..... I assume you are in the UK & I am writing from Australia..... so best to check with your doctor or treatment team on how to manage the ulcers.........as it's difficult for me to comment on what would be recommended for you locally...? I hope that makes some sense & helps.....?.......if only a little! Cheers...Chris
Hi Chris
I am not on any chemo at the moment although a year ago I had radiotherapy for thyroid cancer. But I would have thought that should not be affecting me now. Yes, I live in the UK and have been using a weak Corsodyl mouthwash. The ulcer is practically at the back of my throat which means no hot drinks and chewing my food very slowly! It does not seem to want to go away.
I am on W&W and have had mouth ulcers since being diagnose - never before. They cleared up after a month or so and may have been related to the bout of shingles at the same time on the same side of the face. Dr was not concerned but had other issue that were more pressing at the time. I use Corsodyl mouthwash quite frequently as a precaution along with normal brushing and it does seem to help gums and have not had a recurrence of the ulcers.
Hi I seem to be getting a lot of ulcers on the tip of my tongue,they clear up for a while then come back...