Hi it's regarding DLA/PIP, can someone tell me please when do they stop ur payments?if DLA/PIP stops will the carers allowance stop too?
Hi hope u r all good : Hi it's... - Children's Liver ...
Hi hope u r all good
Do you get carers allowance for a child with liver disease? So im new to all this and there's so much to get ur head around.
Yes U do get carers allowance. But for this u will first apply for DLA once that's approved then u apply for carers allowance....we started getting it after our baby's liver transplant
Hi Shanzay.
If you would like a chat about DLA give me a call.
Jacquie - Families Officer CLDF - 0121 212 6028
Yes they are interlinked. Carers allowance stops the day DLA/PIP stops. Don't forget to inform any other benefits office and tax credits people if you get any other allowances about your change of circumstances otherwise you could potentially be prosecuted and/or have the hassle of having to sort out paying back overpayments. Cldf can give you advice or your local family law centre drop in (they will make the calls for you) if you have one near you.