Cholesterol: Should I start simvastatin... - Cholesterol Support

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Pennymissy profile image
9 Replies

Should I start simvastatin on my first blood test the nurse recommended me to go on them immediately . But mt husband said don't as you will be on them for life . My level was 6.9 I am really confused he said have herbal tablets instead

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9 Replies

Yes, you will be on them for life, and 6.9 is quite high. I would say you should do as the nurse advises!

Pennymissy profile image
Pennymissy in reply to

thank you

Aliwally profile image

I would say that is completely up to you what you want to do. Read up a bit more and get as much information as you can. Statins are usually taken for life, but you are only at the beginning! You may not be able to tolerate them or feel that the risks outweigh the benefits.

You could always try diet and or plant sterols first before you decide about medication.

Pennymissy profile image
Pennymissy in reply to Aliwally

thank you

Mike262 profile image

You don't say what age you are, but It would be wise to follow the medical advice. Statins are proved to reduce cholesterol and as another user has said 6.9 is quite high putting you at danger of a heart attack or stroke. I know from my own experience that statins can reduce cholesterol from 7.8 to 4.7 and I'm working with my GP to get it down below 4. If you experience side affects there are various statins which can be selected to suit you and also modify your diet by reducing fat intake - crisps, cheese, pastry etc and eat oily fish twice a week - mackerel, sardines etc. Good luck have confidence in the Medical Professionals - they are the experts and don't make recommendations for the fun of it, but based on the best available evidence and NICE Guidance.

foodblog profile image

Earlier this year my cholesterol level tested at 6.5. My GP did not want to put me on statins even though my cholesterol has been raised before and several members of my family are on statins. I was advised to exercise, lose weight and change my diet and go back for a retest after 3 months. I did all of the above and the level came down to 4.8. I am continuing with the progamme, hope to get the level lower over time.

As I love to eat good food and did not want to feel deprived on 'a diet', I cooked a low fat dish every day that the family could eat too. Over the 3 months I felt well fed. I am about to start a blog - just after new year - in which I will be posting all these low fat recipes that I used to reduce my cholesterol. There will also be a daily story about how I motivated myself as well as the info I learned along the way about cholesterol.

Let me know if you would like me to email you when the blog starts in a few weeks time.

Best of luck

spats profile image

7 was quite an acceptable reading before statins hit the market!! With a family history of stroke I happily took the early LOWER doses than are prescribed now. Once the 'recommended ' increases developed and target levels fell, I began to become hypersensitive to all the prescribed drugs. to the level of severe muscle pains within days of starting any of them and for six years after stopping them!! I now managed fairly well on plant Sterols and, omega 3 in slightly higher than standard doses,Diet and exercise as well as I can manage. Only hazard is that this takes about 6 months tho take effect and is wiped out in a week and costs in the range of £40 a month as not on prescription. GPs have only very recently accepted that the drugs DO cause severe muscle pain in a proportion of patients. I was fobbed off for many years only being treated as I persisted to ask for help. , There is some acceptance of side effects now. SO try and see how you get on with prescription drugs - if they are well tolerated they do help keep the readings down - otherwise it is up to you if you embark on the alternative programmes .

patch14 profile image

Did you ask for a complete breakdown of the figures? Your LDL, HDL and Lipids numbers should be given to you so that you can make informed choices as to where you go from here. I am a statin sceptic especially for women, and believe that a change of diet, more exercise and food that reduces choresterol naturally should be the way to go for say, six months, then a further test to see if the HDL figure has increased and the LDL figure reduced. My total level is the same as yours with my LDL 3.8 and my HDL 2.3 my LIPID level is 0.7.

My GP advised me to lose a stone in weight and cut out meat! As my BMI is 24 and I have had to change my diet recently because of dairy intolerances I have never felt better! I do not intend to go down the chemical route until absolutely necessary, and even then, will do all I can to avoid statins!!

By the way, why did the NURSE tell you to go on statins and not the GP? Surely only a Dr can advise you on what drugs you should go on. Is the nurse aware of your total .medical history?

patch14 profile image

I had a funny feeling that she disapproved of meat eaters!!!!! She was saying that meat should only be eaten on "feast days". She also told me I had to lose a stone which would take me to a BMI of 20! Anyway, as a confirmed carnivore she had no hope!!!!

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