I need advice on how to take methi seeds for reduce cholesterol, Q) Do i soak them over night and drink them water or what??? Please can any one explain to me pls, Thanks
Cholesterol: I need advice on how to... - Cholesterol Support

You can buy in powder form from supermarket and sprinkle on any food you like, you car buy fresh green leaves as a bunch or frozen and cook or you can soak overnight in water, drink the water and use the soft seeds in food!, it is very bitter. I grow green leaves from seeds to cook. If you Google you can get a lot of information.
You need to offer more information on your cholesterol numbers to get a better response.
Good luck.
The seed grow really fast; I grow them in little containers and use them as needed for cooking.
You can have.methi or fenugreek soaked overnight and eaten in the morning preferably in empty stomach. Another method is, fry methi, powder it and add a pinch in your morning green tea, you will get result on long use...
You can have.methi or fenugreek soaked overnight and eaten in the morning preferably in empty stomach. Another method is, fry methi, powder it and add a pinch in your morning green tea, you will get result on long use...
We have all given answers, "Did you see one response on Omega3?"
I am afraid this dies not add up!