had it checked out 5 years ago, was told ectopic heart beat. has got worse over the years, last night went to bed, heart was racing missing beats, fast, pulse was racing. this went on for 5 hours. then i finally went to sleep, woke up, and felt normal, pulse back and steady, whats the problem?
heart keeps missing a beat on regular ... - Cholesterol Support
heart keeps missing a beat on regular basis
Seems like your concerned, so have you mentioned it to your gp, or practice nurse. That would be better than getting worried just yet. A person I knew was scared it was a heart problem as heart was going really hard , fast. Turned out it was an anxiety problem...beta blockers advised for spell. Take care. . Think hearts often sort of miss beats.
If It were me. I would make an appointment and see my Gp tomorrow especially as it has got worse over the years. There are plenty of tests they can do to reasure you.and treatment if needed, better to be safe rather than sorry.,
Good luck Love Karen xx
Go see your GP. For me it was something called AF, which can soon be ironed out,
Take care.
Hi supermacfive, got sorted out yet, hope you saw gp for advice.