I normally get a cholesterol tested every year through my dr's surgery but because of covid I thought this year I would try getting a test on-line. I had a Vitamin blood D test at Birmingham Hospital Lab, but cannot see anything on their site about doing cholesterol testing. Can anyone recommend a laboratory pls for cholesterol testing. .
First post on here - can anyone advise... - Cholesterol Support
First post on here - can anyone advise where I can get my cholesterol tested on-line pls

Please Google Bluecrest, they have different packages for health check. I have used them before.
Take care.
Hi karmel
Medichecks do a Well Woman Ultra Vit which tests lots of things, including a full lipid profile

Thank you very much just for the cholesterol test.
The story goes, total cholesterol is known as blood serum cholesterol.
There are other components in total cholesterol, high density, HDL.
Low density LDL.
Triglyceride the fatty substance.
And there is more.
There is a man made formula, Total cholesterol = HDL+ LDL + Triglyceride/ x.
If you go for blood tests nowadays, depending upon the age every one gets lipids numbers.
There is more to it, LDL,HDL and triglyceride are knows as lipids. Then there is VLDL and ILDL.
From you last blood cholesterol can you give any information?
From my previous cholesterol tests I understood that the serum cholesterol came from the total of the HDL and the LDL, which are the levels that my dr' surgery has focused on. I don't know about VLDL and ILDL levels. My dr has never explained the results to me so I asked Heart. They said that as my Serum HDL level 4.1 was ok and, Serum LDL level 3.7 I was ok but I thought that my cholesterol level would keep getting higher, as it was 7.1 a few years ago and I got it down to 4.9 but last year it was higher 5.7. When I spoke to my gp she concurred that it would keep getting higher., and they keep telling me that it must be my diet. I already watch my cholesterol and my dr's surgery doesn't seem to take into consideration that heart disease runs in my family and if I make my diet more restrictive I don't want to eat. I am 7stone, 44kg so not at all overweight. My gp said the only thing I could do would be to get my cholesterol level up so I could go on statins.
It is true as we age blood numbers do go up.
Total cholesterol of 4.9 is low but 5.7 OK!
80 % of human body cholesterol is made on demand by the body for the body to function, 20% from what goes through our mouth.
Triglyceride has many components. Some are very important.
May be the best option is to ask your GP for full blood test under NHS health check as a starting reference point.
What is important is to eat quality food and regular exercise to keep healthy.
Thanks, normally I would have asked my dr for yearly cholesterol test or gone to my local pharmacy for a cholesterol test but I am putting it on hold because of covid-19 - hence my getting a test on-line just for my own peace of mind. I do eat a healthy diet, do regular exercise but am predisposed to high cholesterol.
If you live in the US you can easily order the labs online and go to your local LabCorp to draw your blood. Since you pay for it out of pocket, you get the results in about three days sent to you or you can view online. They will email you when the labs are ready. Cheap and easy enough. I do it all the time.