Don't understand Dr explaination
Dr told me Cholesterol level is at 12 ... - Cholesterol Support
Dr told me Cholesterol level is at 12 can someone explain ?

What was you doctor's explanation and what are the lipid numbers and general health?
UK, NHS has cholesterol and lipid levels and these can be found on the Internet.
I am afraid I am not a doctor to say good or bad your level is!
It is the duty of a doctor, GP to explain cholesterol levels not just to give the number and ask the person to look for good or bad?
A doctor can do QRISK or JBS3 risks analysis and explain how by change in life style can help towards a healthy life.
We need to watch out for free sugar, hidden sugar in all that goes into our mouth. Life style change and regular exercise can help towards a healthy life before any medication is considered for lowering cholesterol!
My AMG car can do 154 MPH, UK sped limit is 70 MPH, Is the top speed of my car good or bad?
Go back to your doctor tell him/her they have confused you and you need a clearer explanation. I will tell you googling an explanation will make it worse and even more confusing.

12 is an extremely high number for total cholesterol. How tall are you and how much do you weigh? Male or female? Waist circumference?
Here in Canada, and I would venture to guess, the U.K.'s guidelines would be the same or very close, the recommended cholesterol levels are:
- Total cholesterol: less than 5.2 millimoles per litre (mmol/L) Is ideal and more than 6.2 mmol/L is considered high.
- HDL cholesterol: more than 0.9 mmol/L is desirable.
(Good cholesterol)
- LDL cholesterol: less than 3.5 mmol/L is considered ideal and more than 4.0 mmol/L is high. (bad cholesterol)
Triglycerides is another measure taken to determine the levels of fat in your blood caused by the consumption of sugar and foods (simple carbohydrates) that convert to glucose in your body. High levels of glucose contribute to high levels of LDL cholesterol. The recommended levels are less than 1.7 mmol/l.
The most immediate impact you can have on lowering your cholesterol levels is to focus on lowering triglycerides.
The way to accomplish this is to eliminate all added sugars and simple carbohydrates in your diet. Note that many packaged foods contain sugar so it is best to focus on preparing your own meals from fresh food. If you go out to eat, focus on having a small portion (3 oz.) of animal protein and fill the rest of your plate with vegetables and complex carbohydrates.
Click on this link to learn the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates:
Sugar is toxic to the human body. When used for commercial food preparation sugar can be masked by 61 other names - click on this link to see the list on the right side of the screen:
To learn what sugar does to your body watch this video:
There is no safe level of sugar to consume on a daily basis contrary to the World Health Organizations guidelines which I'm sure were influenced by the sugar industry. You must consume as little sugar possible.
If this number, 12, is actually your level of total cholesterol, you are likely overweight and live a generally sedentary lifestyle.
High cholesterol is your warning that you must make immediate dietary and lifestyle changes or you will imminently suffer from an acute health condition such as a heart attack, stroke, diabetes, renal failure, cancer or some other similarly serious health condition. You probably already have high blood pressure which is very, very, dangerous.
Your doctor may recommend statin medications to reduce your cholesterol levels. These drugs have potentially unpleasant side effects. Medications for elevated cholesterol are band-aid solutions - you must address the underlying cause.
There's a remote possibility that you have familial hypercholesterolemia, but you would need a specific blood test to verify this.
If you are serious about making changes to your life to improve your health, then read my posts listed here:
Good luck.
I am not sure if a medically qualified person will be here to answer questions!. When a person put a post that person is looking for answers from people who have experienced similar issues to respond.
A GP or a doctor has a duty to offer better explanation newly qualified or experienced..
Hello, I was told this afternoon by phone that my cholesterol is 8.3 and would I like to try statins... I said I'd rather try the exercise/healthy eating plan first, but my big problem is I am totally addicted to sweets... I eat a family size packet of sweets daily and usually followed by ice-cream, if I have a snack I eat toast with my butter... I have gone cold turkey on sugar before and suffered the most horrific headaches, and intense pain going down my face, it was so bad that I went back on sugar. I don't drink, I gave up smoking and I started using a vape last year 12/12/17, when I think the sugar intake went up another level.... I am female, 5'9" and weigh 12.5 stone, I am also addicted to coffee, I drink a caffetiere every day but drink sparkling water only from mid afternoon....
I am feeling a little overwhelmed by what I need to do, but also encouraged in finding this site, that I may get a little encouragement and support on this new journey from you lovely informed people. I already know I need to find out levels of which cholesterols as I believe the 8.3 is a total of both the good and bad ones..
I must apologise Bailey4, I have just joined and in my enthusiasm I have butted into your post, I will in future post my own and not butt in.....