My reading was 125 on my home meter...what does that mean I know there is good and bad..why does the meter give you one number?
Home Cholesterolmeter : My reading was... - Cholesterol Support
Home Cholesterolmeter
What is the user manual say?
What is the unit of 125?
How many cholesterol numbers can you check on this home tester, Total cholesterol? LDL?, HDL?.
May be there is an up and down arrow or left or eight arrow to find other numbers!
What is the make and model number? I can Google to find more information on this home test device.
Easy Touch GCU arrows
This is a multifunction device with three separate strips.
Total cholesterol = 125 mg/dl, USA unit. Below 200 mg/dl is desirable.
Have you used the other strips to check blood Glucose and blood uric acid?
Home testing simple device are not very accurate. Depending upon your general health you may want to have it all checked by a doctor!, As they say in USA, blood works. By the way what was the cost of this devise?
$43.99...haven't checked anything else is the 125 bad or good..cholesterol.. Sorry I'm new at this...
Thank, As far as USA guide line goes you umber is below the desirable number of 200 mg/dl. You need to discuss this with your doctor, as he or she needs to look at all the blood numbers, this forum do not have ay medical doctors. OK?
In UK, the local drug store (Chemist) can do blood tests for £10.00, some time it can be free.
When we are discussing measurements of any type it is very important that you tell us what country you are in and the units of measurement quoted. Here in the UK I think any doctor would be amazed you walked in with a level of 125. Similarly, blood sugar levels of 10 are on the brink of serious concern in the UK whereas 100 in the USA is very reasonable. If we are to give advice we must know the full facts please ! !
Here in the UK that level would generally be considered a little on the high side but nothing to get unduly worried about. Certainly check it out with your doctor for his/her opinion but be prepared to be offered statins. Here they seem to be suggested willy nilly. You don't have to accept them of course.