Which works best losartan or VALSARTAN
Which one ?: Which works best losartan... - Cholesterol Support
Which one ?
Blood pressure medication?
" Lowers blood pressure. Diovan (Valsartan) is a good blood pressure-lowering medicine that protects kidney function like an ACE inhibitor, but with fewer side effects. Cozaar (Losartan) is an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB). "
More information is available in Google.
what is the connection between blood pressure and cholesterol?
This link was given in an earlier post.
I went doctors she said altho my cholesterol level isnt danger level it was about 5 and my ldl was 3 altogether shes said numbers 9.5 if over ten classed as very bad ..and would reccond me to take a statin as family history my mum had two strokes ( died of her last one ten weeks ago ) my aunt had trible bypass ..so its in the family ...
This is the first time I have read the numbers are added together?
There is ration, there is risk calculator!
Please question your doctor, "why?" the numbers are added together.
The formula for blood cholesterol levels is: Total cholesterol = LDL + HDL + triglycerides/5.
Do you have your blood test LIPID numbers?
I know bit im scared if i dont my mum died of a stroke
Have a look at this site, many tests are available as a package.
I went for a health screening five years ago.
Both are drugs to deal with high blood pressure, they are not statins. Your doctor should know which one is best for you, given your family history.
A need for blood pressure medication and the recommendation of your doctor to take statins, plus a family history of heart disease, are all an indication that you are likely over-weight.
Excess weight can be a function of poor thyroid function or it could be a reflection of sub-optimal diet and lifestyle behaviour, or a combination.
Since you didn't mention anything about your thyroid, I'm assuming it is functioning normally, unless your doctor did not investigate.
Based on the limited information you supplied - it is likely that you need to lose some weight and begin to be more active.
Medications are band-aid solutions - if you wish to become healthy, you must address the cause of your medical ailments. Your next step is to improve your diet and lifestyle choices.
I have written many posts on my experience with by-pass surgery and weight loss as well as stopping all medications.
You can learn from my experiences by reading all of my posts here:
My diet is quite good im not really over weight maybe by half a stone thats all i exercise..they want me to have a statin because colestrol is bit high and family history
Whether or not your diet is 'good' and your exercise is adequate is a matter of subjectivity. With our human frailties, we tend to lack objectivity about our own behaviour.
Family history in and of itself is not sufficient cause for a doctor to prescribe a statin, although many do so on that fact alone.
Your blood chemistry might be troublesome in your doctor's view so when he starts assembling your other risk-factors collectively, he may believe preventative medicine is in order.
If he believes your blood pressure is too high, and I don't know how he can draw that conclusion from one reading every year or several months, then what little excess weight you are carrying may be a burden to your body.
The best way to determine your blood pressure is to buy your own blood pressure monitor for home use and measure your blood pressure early in the morning after waking, and just before bedtime. Take 3 measures each time and average them out.
120/80 or less is optimal, up to 135/85 is acceptable, anything above that is problematic.
Both diet and exercise play a role in your blood pressure levels.
Exercise must be done to elevate your heart rate to over 120 beats per minute continuously for at least 20 minutes, 3 times per day, or 30 minutes, twice per day, or 60 minutes once per day.
Diet and exercise also both play a role in cholesterol and triglyceride results.
As for diet, you should read my posts which I referenced in my last response to you.
You may also wish to read this:
and then watch this 14 minute video:
Good luck.
It is imperative that the comments reflect the questions!
Even GP's cannot get to the correct medication when we are in face to face discussion.
How can one look at a question and not enough information and come to offer advice!!
I have been in Healthunlocked for few years now and being here has been very useful.