I heard of something a few years ago called EDTA. It's an amino acid that's been used for about 50 years and is suppose to remove cholesterol and plaque from the arteries by binding with the calcium thereby breaking up the cholesterol that it is washed away and is supposed to remove harmful minerals from the blood. However, there are some possible side effects such as it may damage some organs and it takes 6 - 12 months to work. The first time I used it a few years ago I could taste something like minerals in my mouth and it seemed to help but then I wasn't so sure so I stopped it but may return to it as an aid.
EDTA For Cholesterol: I heard of... - Cholesterol Support
EDTA For Cholesterol

Here's what happens to EDTA administered in vivo in rats. So much for the so called "chelation" therapy.
The metabolism of the calcium chelate of ethylenediaminetetraacetic
acid (Ca-EDTA) was studied in rats by using material labeled with U4.
It was found that essentially all of the material passed through the body unchanged, with a turnover time of approximately 50 minutes. A very small portion was turned over slowly. Less than 0.1 per cent of the material was oxidized and expired as COZ. None of the organs concentrated the drug.
After parenteral administration, 95 to 98 per cent of the compound was
excreted in the urine by 6 hours. The material was cleared through the
kidney by tubular excretion as well as by glomerular filtration. After
injection, the material passed rapidly out of the vascular system to mix
with approximately 90 per cent of the body water. It did not pass into
the red blood cells. A maximum of 18 per cent was absorbed by 24 hours
after oral administration, with evidence of a small amount of absorption
continuing at 48 hours.
That sounds interesting. I googled it and found the following on webmd.com
''EDTA is a prescription medicine, given by injection into the vein (intravenously) or into the muscle (intramuscularly).
Intravenous EDTA is used to treat lead poisoning and brain damage caused by lead poisoning; to evaluate a patient's response to therapy for suspected lead poisoning; to treat poisonings by radioactive materials such as plutonium, thorium, uranium, and strontium; for removing copper in patients with Wilson's disease; and for treating high levels of calcium.
EDTA is also used intravenously for heart and blood vessel conditions including irregular heartbeat due to exposure to chemicals called cardiac glycosides, “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis), chest pain (angina), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and blood circulation problems such as intermittent claudication and Raynaud's syndrome.
Other intravenous uses include treatment of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, an eye condition called macular degeneration, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and skin conditions including scleroderma and psoriasis.
EDTA is also used intramuscularly for lead poisoning and related brain damage.
EDTA is sometimes used as an ointment for skin irritations produced by metals such as chromium, nickel, and copper.
Eye drops containing EDTA are used to treat calcium deposits in the eye.
In foods, EDTA bound to iron is used to “fortify” grain-based products such as breakfast cereals and cereal bars. EDTA is also used in calcium and sodium compounds to preserve food; and to promote the color, texture, and flavor of food.
In manufacturing, EDTA is used in calcium and sodium compounds to improve stability in pharmaceutical products, detergents, liquid soaps, shampoos, agricultural chemical sprays, oil emulsion devices, contact lens cleaners and cosmetics. It is also used in certain blood collection tubes used by medical laboratories.
How does it work?
EDTA is a chemical that binds and holds on to (chelates) minerals and metals such as chromium, iron, lead, mercury, copper, aluminum, nickel, zinc, calcium, cobalt, manganese, and magnesium. When they are bound, they can't have any effects on the body and they are removed from the body.
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There's more about it on the web-site. Sounds like it would work but I don't think they prescribe it very often.
I am a bit sceptical, why would one add a chemical to remove calcium from the blood stream, when the body has its own mechanism, Vitamin K2 (in the presence of vitamin D). Vitamin K2 is part of the mevalonate pathway which is blocked by statins. I am trying K2 and D3 supplementation, to see how that affects my high levels of calcium in my arteries, as observed during an angiogram. This is self treatment and not prescribed by a doctor, but there is research that has shown in rats, that K2 can reverse calcification of the arteries. My opinion is that as vitamins are not patentable the big pharma are not going to fund research into their effectivity.
I believe EDTA is used for people that have heavy metal poisoning but I have read that it does work for cleaning out your arteries and blood vessels