My dad is around 50. His muscles started to hurt for couple weeks then fully disappeared. His muscles are gone. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with him. Please help. Thank you
Loss of muscles please help: My dad is... - Cholesterol Support
Loss of muscles please help

Has. He seen his GP? If so what tests have been done? What medications is he on? Did they go gradually or suddenly? Which ones?
Even if you know LUL the answers then people on here aren't medically qualified to give accurate answers.
I complained to my doctor about my muscles not recovering as well as they should. He took 5 blood tests to check things. one was creatine kinase , another aldolase, another erythrocyte sedimentation. and then lipids and hemoglobin A1C.. I assume he is checking hw things are working together. Prayerfully , whatever is going on with your dad can be repaired with the help of a physicians exam!
If he is taking statins I'd suggest he gets checked for statin induced myopathy. It is a serious condition that can lead to rhabdomyolysis which can lead to kidney breakdown.
Get him to visit his GP today as an emergency appointment - or ask the GP for a home visit if he can't move (you say his muscles are gone). At least that way blood tests can be arranged urgently.
I would say to get to a doctor as soon as possible. My friend is a complete invalid now because of five years of Lipitor (confirmed by her doctor). I tried to take a statin eight years ago, what it did to my body was scary. I have refused to take statins ever since.
Hello, I'd echo that your dad needs to see his GP urgently and have tests done. Tell him not to let the GP fob him off, this can be an indication of a potentially fatal complication called rhabdomyolysis. Link here explains what this is.
and if he can't see his GP get him to A&E, please, this can be very serious.
This sounds like polymyalgia rheumatica, which can affect people aged 50 or over. The muscles in thighs and upper arms just wither away, accompanied by seriouis weight loss. There is usually pain in legs and shoulders, which appear to come from the muscles.
It can be cured by taking 20mg of steroids every day but may take months on a reducing dose to disappear completely.