after statins wreck your muscles and b... - Cholesterol Support

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after statins wreck your muscles and bones can you right it

suki65 profile image
52 Replies

Does anyone know if the damage that statins have done to my muscles /bones can it be put right or will it stay like this . If it cannot be put right will it not go any worse if not taking statins anymore ?

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suki65 profile image
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52 Replies
suki65 profile image

Thank you ever so much for the site it is very interesting and helpful

good luck

terryblueeyes profile image

no the damage has been done..the only way is to not take them if this is the case..i had a heart attack and i was put on statins everyone gave me pain in the muscels.. 4 types.... so i dont take any..i swim everyday..but if i keeped with it i would be writing what you write..did you also know 50%of people who have a heart attack dont have high cholestrol fact...

Aliwally profile image

I have to say that once I did stop my muscle cramps and twitchings went reasonably quickly, certainly within 2-3 weeks. I know that this is not everybody's experience.

suki65 profile image

Thank you both for this i have stopped for 2 months now and i see no change in my arms and legs but i suppose it is early days

Textech profile image
Textech in reply to suki65

Try changing your diet also to high nutrition, low cal stuff: Celery, quinoa, swiss chard, plums, green tea, water cress etc. Also take supplements with CoQ10 upto 200mg per day.

Penel profile image

If you have been taking other medication as well, it may take some time for the pains to go away. Taking the supplement Q 10 may help.

suki65 profile image

Are there different strengths of q10 ? i have not taken this as yet

thank you

It is difficult to say whether damage has been done to muscles and joints, I think only time will tell. It is only when you persist with the statins after experiencing the pains that permanent damage is done.. My advice would be to stop when you start getting pain in your muscles and joints and so avoid permanent damage, the first pains are the warning, permanent damage takes time. My own experience was that after stopping the statins the pains stopped almost immediately. The depression, mind boggling, confusion took some time to resolve, months.

allyg23999796 profile image
allyg23999796 in reply to

well I was on statins for 8 years I wished I hadn't taken them it started on my ankle and the pain is very bad and I have muscle cramps and muscle lock and that takes 25 minutes to ware off it drains you that much I fall a sleep most of the time, I had it looked at at the hospital and the doctor said well if i touched that you will probably end up losing your leg, I said thanks they should have explained about these pills, so I had to reprogram my self as I can't take medications now as they do attack my body but I learned by the mistakes we make in our world No tablet or other medication is good for anyone and to live longer don't take any. when you look at your body you will find your immune system does all the repairs unless you abuse your body either by drugs Drink glue sniffing meths or animal biotics that can lead to Cancer we have a male & female cell stress worry or panic attacks can start the female cell to strike out it works it's way around till she finds the host of a male that forms into tumors that can spread the body, I advise using Bicarbonate of soda honey or maple syrup that can shrink tumors if caught in time there are many others to doctors say different but other doctors say drink it wisely half a cup a day for a week then rest for a week then the same again. you try any thing. I read a story from a man in Peru his wife and son who lived in the rainforest was out looking for food with his Son, when he was struck and bitten by a venomous snake his father panicked and found a flowering shrub he picked the flowers and chewed on them and placed it on his sons leg he was amazed to find his son still alive as these snakes can kill. he took his son home and gave his wife a shock to see her husband looked younger than he was they got excited and told each other never tell until I contact my friend in Sweden but his Son slipped the words of this plant that saved his life it traveled to the wrong people who came and spoke to the mother and son but they refused and said it was a thing that got out of hand. but they knew he was cured by the snake and forced them both to where the plant had grown but they refused that cost them both their lives their father returned and fled after finding his wife and son dead by these evil people knowing he too would die he hid the plant and was ready to set sail to be picked up and flown with the plant but fighting for their land cost him too his life and the cure was never found only by the song he sang which I can't release due to the evil people finding out where it was placed, the plant was not the origin of Peru. and I can't say where it came from it will never be found as the damage what was made when they ploughed the land for roads may have took that plant too, it was sad for the family and sad we lost a cure that may have healed the world of us all but yet again it probably would have gone to the Riches of the world and left us all quiet from that plant. I have friends who visit but the secrets still goes on till we find it again hopefully away from the evil monsters of greed, 25 villages are gone but with the change in our world will soon put back what was taken away and destroyed by the greed of our world even the drugs and cures that was taken from the peru forest, and why I had to tell you this story is because it could have healed my trouble of pain and I do know I will end up losing a limb, and being struck with palsy we do get people who want to say that we need to go back to school and learn to write, but in our world we say get stuff your self we were born to this planet earth of our languages not Snobs who think they are better than anyone else,

You can fix your muscles and bones by exercising. This also applies to those of us on statins.

I've been on an aggressive statin course for the last 14 years. Despite that, I am actually very much stronger than I was when I started on statins.

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to


How do you fix it (You can fix your muscles and bones by exercising). Could you please explain to us how you fixed it. The other day this lady was saying house work is difficult. This morning I was trying to clear the soap dispenser container in a sink, boy did I experience pain, between my shoulder blades, I have only been taking statin for 2 months!!. I am going on holidays, planning on buying a small bag, I may have problem in lifting the large bag at the air port on arrival!

I am sure statin works as a secondary medication, is it necessary as primary? Can the GP work this out, I was told if I do not take statin there will be damage, IMYO, statin is damaging me.

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to sandybrown

exactly what i say bala i feel worse than ever all i had where spots and now i feel like i'm falling apart and feel i'm being a pest constantly at the docs .Soon i will just look on here and do my own maybe i will be able to get back to how i used to feel before April 2011

bala are you trying the diet of eating between certain hours 8-7 hours a day i think you will be surprised i was shocked but if my next results in August are great i will know for sure i wont need statins to kill me anymore.

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to suki65


Three good meals a day, breakfast 0800 or there about, lunch 12ish (4 hours),dinner 6PM (6 hours). Nothing in between, between dinner and breakfast, 14-16 hours at weekends. Have control over breakfast and lunch but not dinner, eat what has been cooked at home. By trying different food to NHS food plate managed to reduce the blood glucose level. Next is cholesterol, very difficult at my age of 67 as cholesterol increase with age. Will cone back on blood test for cholesterol at the end of the month.

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to sandybrown

hi bala ,

I am letting you know after 5 mins this morning of light exercise on my left arm i am amazed how much better it feels ,i thought this was rubbish but please try it just light exercise on whichever part you are having pain for about 5 mins and see how you feel

please also try the intermittent fasting without statins you will be amazed at the most 8 hour eating

good luck hope you have a great holiday : )

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to suki65


Thank you. Will do light exercise drring week days, I do at the gym during week end at the moment. I was talking to my wife in garden yesterday, she commented that you need new cloths now!

Will decide on lower dosage or give up statin after my visist to the GP in two weeks time.

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to sandybrown

plase try the intermittent fasting if you give up statins it has helped me so much and today i feel so much happier after 2 years on and off statins .

eating for no more than 8 hours a day but begining to feel normal again

thank you bala i will keep in touch

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to

I used to do yoga but now i can only do certain things with my arms so it is rather upsetting and confusing as i feel like i'm ok sometimes until i do something like taking a plug out with my left arm or using both arms then realise the pain is still there .

I am only 48 and used to be in great health

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to

windrider I didn't believe that exercise helps but it does my left arm was killin me but after 5 mins of light exercise it sure is better not perfect but getting there

thank you

zorro1 profile image

There are different strengths and different types of Q10 - Ubiquinol and Ubiquinone. The Ubiquinol is supposed to be easier for the body to use but is more expensive. My mum started taking 50 mg of Ubiquinol after suffering muscle, and other damage from Statins. By the time the issue was diagnosed she was barely able to walk and was in agony. She had to rely on walking sticks for a few months after stopping but has now dispensed with them - the acute pain eased fairly quickly. The bald patches that appeared around the nape of her neck have also regrown hair. She is convinced the CQ10 helps her and has upped the dose to 100mg.

I hope you start feeling better soon.

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to zorro1

how is her cholesterol now ? is she still not taking statins ?

zorro1 profile image
zorro1 in reply to suki65

I asked her this morning and she doesn't know. After stopping the statins around 18 months ago her doctor put her on Omacor (omega-3 fatty acids)- 1000mg. She thinks her cholesterol at that time was around 7.5. After suffering increasing breathlessness whilst on statins she was diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (even though she has never smoked). This condition has leapfrogged the cholesterol as a health issue - if the doctor is still keeping tabs on her cholesterol he's not telling her the results.

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to zorro1

could she not try the eating between 11am and 7pm or just for 8 hours a day this is keeping my cholesterol down .

thank you

zorro1 profile image
zorro1 in reply to suki65

I hadn't heard of this method of controlling cholesterol. I'll let her know about it. Thank you.

I'm glad you've found that it works for you. Do try the Q10 (Ubiquinol). Mum's convinced it helps her and I take it too now. I've never used statins but I used to be a bit stiff and achey upon getting up in the morning. Since taking Q10 as a supplement that's stopped!

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to zorro1

thank you which is best q10 or ubiqinol ?and what amount is best t take ? i know it depends on your age

good luck for both of you

zorro1 profile image
zorro1 in reply to suki65

From what I've read Ubiquinol is better once you're over 40 as older people find it harder to convert the other type of Q10. We both found that 50mg of Ubiquinol per day had a noticeable, beneficial effect, but as far as I'm aware there are no officially recommended daily doses for supplementation. There's quite a lot of info online about the benefits and recommendations for various medical conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Parkinsons, cancer etc. Probably best to do some research based around your own health and lifestyle, then make a decision - affordability may also be an issue - it's not a cheap product!

Good luck!

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to zorro1

Thank you ever so muchyou have given me something to try and make my life better ,i will le yo know if things go well .

thank you once again

zorro1 profile image
zorro1 in reply to suki65

You are most welcome. I do hope you feel better soon.

malcolmp profile image
malcolmp in reply to zorro1

If your health is suffering that much then cost ceases to be an issue.I've suffered excruciating pain with no solution from the medical profession to the point where i had to go outside the box and look at alternative medicine for a solution.Even if it meant paying for my health care.

I agree with you on coq10 especially if your on statins as they rob your bodies ability to produce enough coq10 itself.

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to zorro1

dr mercolas wesbsite

eating brekfast might make you hungrier

this is where it advices you on the eating plan

zorro1 profile image
zorro1 in reply to suki65


suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to zorro1

hi zorro1 i have just ordered the ubiquinol but today i am feeling lots better from my intermittent fasting no more statins

my left arm was in agony this morning but took the advice of a person on here about exercising my arm and it has done wonders just 5 mins of light exercise and i can feel it has improved .

thank you everyone i will keep writing and wish everyone well

zorro1 profile image
zorro1 in reply to suki65

That's excellent news! I look forward to hearing more of it!

All the best.

spats profile image

statin pain is very complex and so different for each person - hence the difficulty medical persons have in treating!!! My best treatment effect happened during an anaesthetic - came round in excruciating pain, needed opiates to settle for about two weeks but then statin pains had gone!! Still have pre statin joint pains and muscle involvement, but have been relieved of the muscle pain on touch or pressure effects.that lasted for years rather than weeks I do continue with 200 mg dose of Q10 GP blood tests were always very low and not convincing - but muscle strength is still very variable -poor in mornings and if too much exercise. So in answer to your question May-be!!!!

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to spats

Do you not take statins anymore and how is your cholesterol ?

spats profile image

Hi suki65, Nope!! I also take Plant sterols 750mg x 4 and Omega 10000mgx4 with an oat based drink (because I do not like any breakfast oats!! ) June '12 Cholesterol 6,1 HDL 0.09

Jan '13 Cholesterol 6.4 HDL 0.93. My team let me go along with this as main reason for treatment is Diabetes, BUT I am wary of the family history of strokes ( Granny, mother and at least 2 aunts) . I am fairly relaxed about these readings as rthey are lower than a decade ago without any treatment, and when 7 was the action taking reading(pre 'new' statins!!!!0

IF you go down the road of self treatment it is quite costly. Also takes about 6 months to register and just a few days to clear,so a daily essential.

One other problem I had with the statins was that the muscle pains masked any chance of self examination for breast cancer. I was lucky enough to be given early warning through the national screening clinic.

Hope all can go well with you, Sometimes it takes a lot of searching

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to spats

If your results start to rise (i hope they never do ) try dr mercolas

eating breakfast might make you hungrier you i eat between 11am and 7pmand drink water the rest of the time as it filla me before going to bed .

please try if needed it works for me and there are no added side effects

suki65 profile image

Are the plant sterols good i have heard about them are they just for cholesterol ?

suki65 profile image

I am not sure how do ou measure carbohydrate and what amount are we supposed to have per day

Seahorse profile image

Plant sterol drinks have lowered my cholesterol by about an extra 10% in addition to statins. I take a ubiquinol 100mg supplement. Healthspan do a good one for £32.95 for 60 tabs. I am female aged 47.

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to Seahorse


Take a look at The Mail on Sunday, health section yesterday, BUPA tests on female, thirties, forties, fifties and sixties. BMI and cholesterol, good reading, low BMI person has high cholesterol in the sixties!!!

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to sandybrown

Thank you i will have a look soon

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to Seahorse

Hi seahorse we are similar i am aged48 female ,

I have high cholesterol and tiglyceride i take opti omega 3 which is for triglyceride but does help the cholesterol ,are plant sterols also for triglycerides ?

Do you have side effects fom taking statins ? and do you know your vitamin d ,mine are 17 .

thank you for replying

Seahorse profile image
Seahorse in reply to suki65

I don't know if plant sterols lower triglycerides but probably not. I have no idea what my vitamin D levels are but a few years ago I did have a blood test for vitamin deficiencies but was told all my levels were normal. Not 100% sure if I have side effects from my statins. I do get muscle and joint pain but not sure of cause because it doesn't improve when I stop statins for a while. Maybe just my age!

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to Seahorse

I started on statins in April 2011 i was on rosuvastatin and i got swelling to my ankles and knees and got very low ,put on simvastatin side effects muscle aches on left arm mostly and thighs changed shape ,i have the fatty lipids under my skin they became sore when on statins my specialist never answered any questions so i decided to try my own way without statins ,my doc says the pains im having are osteoarthritis which i think is rubbish .I was never ill before taking statins seems all strange .

why did you have to take statins if you dont mind me asking and what side effects did you have and are the side effects still happening as mine are

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to suki65

I was also given pravastatin but stopped right away as i felt i was no good and my bones on my elbows became sore .

I hope we can help each other as i am so annoyed that they are allowed to prescribe statins when they cause so many problems

suki65 profile image
suki65 in reply to Seahorse

Hi seahorse ,

Plese try this to help your aches and pains i didnt think it would work but it is this morning i got up did 5 mins of very light exercise on my left arm and i can't believe how much better it feels ,i have just ordered ubiquinol though to also help with the damag the statins have done

please try it and intermittent fasting is helping me 8 hour a day eating nothing in between and no side effects : )

Silversurfer4739 profile image

Just a quick mention about exercise.

Have you tried the resistance bands from Avon?

£4 each, looks like balloon material, they have the exercises printed on the back.

you do what you can. just about 5/6 each one,

do not do any that bother you.

use 2/3 times daily. just gently.and work your way up,but,never overdo it....

these are times for gentle exercise,nothing strenuous...

I stopped ALL STATINS!!!about 6 months ago,

no idea about my readings,,,,,,,

next week?several tests and the next week?I am seeing a Cardiologist at the Hospital,looking to see how bad the damage after taking painkillers for the extra pain ...fromStatins...

I will let you know the results,(if they tell me!)

I still have a sense of humour! !my DR, and I are still friends.........every dr.has given out Statins...........and every dr. has given out strong painkillers...

.just a shame that I have bad reactions????????

suki65 profile image

no silversurfer i haven't tried them at the moment i am nearly back to myself ,i can't believe how i am feelng 85% better no statins ,only my fish oils and intermittent fasting eating between 11am nd 7pm only drinking sugar ree brews and water ,lets see what my results will be at the begining of August ,i do a little light exercise on my arms to help strengthen them again and stop the pain still waiting for the ubiquinol to come to help right what the statins have done .I also am friends with my doc she has stuck by me with al this i think deep down she knows what statins are doing but i think the powers above do tell tem in a way what they have to do .But i could never work in a proffession where you are knowingly destroying peoples lives .

keep my up to date silversurfer i will let you know how my bloods go next

Please do try intermittent fasting it also gets your insulin up and working properly again and it doesnt do any damage just to try it for 2monhs then ask to have your results done again to check how your cholesterol is doing and also see how you yourself is feeling

Mike262 profile image

I have only just seen this, but its nonsense. I am on rusavastatin without side affects and have worked myself back to full fitness after an angioplasty so much so that I recently completed a Sprint Triathlon - 500m swim, 20k cycle followed by 5k run - muscles fine. If one statin is causing side affects work with your GP to find one that doesn't. I've reduced my total cholesterol from 7.8 to 4 with statins, healthy diet and exercise.

suki65 profile image

Hi Mike262

I understand some people they work for ,but the people that get side effects need to be listened to and not just pushed on to other statins or medication that destroys their body and mind .

I am so very pleased they work for you and you sound to be very athletic ,and everyone else they work for this makes me happy but the peoples lives it destroys need something else and the things i do above are helping keep my levels down .

Can your cholesterol get too low i heard that you can become short of magnesium if it becomes too low ?

And yes i have a healthy lifestyle i weigh just under 8 stone ,height 5,1 a woman and walk almost everywhere and i have had 5 children .aged 48 but at times feel 60

spats profile image

Hi, I 'lost' this thread when it parked it's self in the wrong folder. I have had a post drug neuropathy treated with Nortriptyline that was very gradually increased each fortnight from 10mg to a working dose.(75mg)The pain is gone, BUT I still have a numb sensation in both feet and a certain amount of 'no-brain'. But it is now a workable situation. 'Healthy ' walking is still off limits, but driving and gentle swimming is acceptable. This drug therapy did NOT work when a full dose taken straight away. Don't know why, but I guess pain clinics have observed and developed the system.

A little concerned that any pain is now masked as I failed to notice a suspicious 'lump' when suffering chronic statin pains

This neuropathy was caused by cancer drug - so I am super sensitive to them as well. I take a full range of vit supplements with extra Omega and plant Sterols as back up psychotically if not therapeutically effective!!

suki65 profile image

Take b12 500ug for 3-4 months and see how you feel I'm feeling nearly 100% better from what statins did to me

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