I have been to so many doctors in the last 4 months and i am so disapointing... if someone will please help me..
I just woke up one morning after working out not feeling right. I am 32 female. 2 kids tubal ligation.
I woke up with tension headaches..i turned to er they did ct scan said i was fine
Went to see doctor he gave me injections and thought i was ok but noticed i started having ringing in my ears and jaw pressure and scalp tenderness.i saw an ent and he said tmj. I went to a neuro.she diagnosed occipital nueralgia. After doing 2 mri and 1 mra.
I dtarted having chest pain and went to cardiologist. Had chest x-ray d-dimer and ekg, echo, and stress test all normal. I am scared its a blockage. I am so worried sometjing is going on.