Just how close is your doctors surgery to closure? Not something I had considered until l went for a checkup on Friday.21/6/2014
After the check I managed a couple of minutes chat with my doctor who is a senior practice member who told me a few truths about the perilous state the GP service is really in,he is so concerned that his practice WILL close in 3 years,for the following reasons .He has lost 2 doctors who have emigrated to Australia in the past year and has NO replacements coming through from training,lack of money as his budget has been cut dramatically.etc This problem is wide spread throughout the UK. Gp`s have been telling the politicians and their words are falling on deaf ears. His working hours have increased dramatically to keep up with an increased workload(he told me what he worked and it`s horrifying)
He is surprised that no one in the media has picked up on this UK wide problem as, and I quote " If we have a flue epidemic this year we have had it and we are going under and the NHS is going to implode within 3 to 4 years"
So concerned is he that he wrote to our local MP who has ignored his letter in total.!!!
I personally have contacted my local newspaper over this and am waiting for a interview with a reporter ,this is my contribution to the mess politicians of all parties have got us into,as is this post.
SO,can I ask you all to ask your local GP what the state their practice is in as in funding,shortage of incoming GP`s from training,how they are coping with financial constraints they are working under and any increase in their working hours ,how close are they to closing etc.
I f you find as I have then really barrage your local MP and take no hostages from them,let your local press know what the state of your surgery is in as well.
Most of us are paying into a system that is world renowned, fight for it or it`s not only your loss when it goes under but the loss to future generations.