Anyone can you please tell me how often do you get Cholsternol blood tests check up? The last time l had mine in 2010
Cholsternol blood test check up - Cholesterol Support
Cholsternol blood test check up

Because I am a great believer that it is my body and up to me to look after it - with advice from the medics when I need it - I trot along to the surgery every six months and book a test. I have kept a graph for thirty years now so I never get phased if one reading is a little higher than the previous, as long as the general trend is within the safe boundaries. By doing this, I can see if there is any difference when I introduce now regimes (more exercise, a new food item, something recommended by the Health Food store etcetera) and see if it a worthwhile expense or not.
I have mine done once a year.
Four years gone!, you are now looking for blood test?, "Do you have a copy of last blood test to compare?" Private test or NHS test?
Please ask your GP for full blood test, there are many of them! You need to understand the test results numbers, Internet can help you. you need to look at life style change as well to reduce blood test result numbers! Good luck.
My GP told me that the new guidelines don't allow cholesterol blood testing anymore unless I develop diabetes or heart disease.
Supermarket chemist and some other chemist do blood test for cholesterol and blood sugar for a small fee. Local ASDA where I live, I can do both blood sugar and blood cholesterol for £10.00. I go for this test to get a better understanding of numbers of blood tests.
Under NHS health checks, may be once a year blood testing for people over 50? Home testing can be expensive.
Surely, if the patient has Familial Hypercholesterolaemia, then the levels should be monitored regularly?
Mine is checked roughly every six months but I am a patient at a lipid clinic.
I have had one once every year the last few years. however, my last check was about 18 months ago so i consider taking a checkup again.
However, i wonder if its still offered. i mean i dont have any heart disease at the moment, i am just overweight and have bld prs slightly on the high end for my age (i guess!) Does anyone of you know is overweight qualifies for taking a full blood test?