Is anyone taking Lecithin for their ch... - Cholesterol Support
Is anyone taking Lecithin for their cholesterol? Would like to know if this has helped at all.

I have just stared using the granuals (3 tsp a day) after a bit of online research and advice from my local health shop. As it's a food supplement I thought I would give it a go along with my daily porridge with oat milk and blueberries. Will let you know how I get on!
Thank you sudihill. I've been taking capsules of 1,200mg each. Have been taking 2 - 3 per day, now wondering if this is too much.
As long as you take the dose recommended on packaging that's fine as it's a food supplement but I take the granuals as it works out a lot cheaper in the long run. They don't taste of anything and I sprinkle on my cereal. Hope it works for us and keep me posted!
Perhaps do some more research? It appears to lower lipids in rats, but more recent studies suggest it may contribute to atherosclerosis. Wiki has links to research papers.
I introduced soya lecithin five months ago. I get my next lipid test next month so will not know until then if they have been effective. If not, there have been no side effects so no harm done. The report I read that tempted me to try said, " one study found that after 2 months of supplementing with 500mg of soy lecithin per day, total cholesterol levels fell by 42% and LDL levels decreased by 56%." I will report my results on this forum.
Thank you Wyvon, after reading replies am concerned that I might be taking too much. Will do some research as suggested by Penel.
Blood test next week. Will let you know then.
My total cholesterol dropped from 4.2 to 4.1 after six months of taking soya lecithin. So not very conclusive about the efficacy of this. Now I shall stop taking it for the next six months - keeping everything else the same - and see if there is any change then, has anyone else tried this?
Yes, have taken 20mg simvastatin for ten years, with no ill effects, but I also take a CoQ10 supplement and swear by Kyolic garlic tablets.