I used to be fat than got really sick with medical problems where I lost all my fat and now really skinny and I am homeless so I am constantly called and accused of being on meth it is so annoying being forced to take drug tests and called a tweaker when all I am is a stoner that's it and no one ever believes me
I am homeless and skinny and constantly bei... - Changing Faces
I am homeless and skinny and constantly being discriminated

Hi Bluetruth1989
Thank you for sharing about your situation with us and welcome to the Changing Faces community.
It sounds like things are tough for you at the moment and I can hear that you are feeling frustrated by the assumption’s others are making about you.
Judgements from other people based on our appearance are difficult to respond to and it can be particularly hard when you are trying to change someone’s perception of you.
I hope you are able to access the support you need and that are able to reach out to the homelessness services in your area for help.
Take Care
Caroline - Changing Faces
Nope same shit everywhere I go and social worker harassing me bullying and intimidating me cause of my looks being forced to do shit I wanted nothing to do with from the beginning from corrupt social workers and I don't even have a kid being homeless is a choice cause I have no identification of any kind and most programs are racist racial privileged programs so no help there and it's Minnesota one of the worst States to live in in usa
Strewth! A social worker is bullying you?! What the heck??
Please please please report this to their superiors! Bullies rarely bully only one person. You may not only save yourself more harrassment (big win!) but you may save someone else too (double win).
obviously you must do what is right and comfortable for you, but I hate bullies with a passion, so if you ever need to reach out, please do and you will be assured a warm welcome.

Bluetruth1989 it sounds like things are feeling really hard, I hope you manage to find some support from friends, family, professionals or others services in Minnesota in the future. It's also positive you have found a place you can talk about your experiences of people judging you based on your appearance.
Take Care
Caroline - Changing Faces

Hi Bluetruth1989! Be very Welcome here. Thank you for posting and letting us know about this hardship you're going through right now. A bully social worker is something of a rarity because they are actually there to prevent those types of situations, people they help are people who can't reach "normal" ways of getting what society offers to those more fortunate. They are there to help fight that unfairness present everywhere.
Reach, reach...never give up your fight, believe your cause is a just one and worth fighting for. Besides, one individual or a couple cannot count for the rest of other valuable and kind souls out there...believe you deserve all the respect and the help you can access.
Please let me know how's everything...just give it a try, it's hard but worth it!!!
Hope to hear from you soon!!!