Just on hols at the moment. Sorry to report I am stuck in a terribly nice hotel in Jersey, amazing weather and some great food. Oh, and the beer is good too,
Life is hard (ok, so its a break from being harder at the moment then)
But something cool happened. I love having an online community behind me. I find it the most support asset I have.
I can put my thoughts down and say them, and it comes from the heart.
But in the mist of this really lovely holiday, we had the delight of the company of others in the hotel at breakfast and dinner, and the banter got going, and the laughter, and all was lovely.
But the issue of my lumps came up ... and I couldn't have been happier. The chap was a lovely man, touched by Skin Cancer, and understood what a skin condition could be like.
And for the first time, I feel absolutely was ready to seek the treatment I want, because here he was, undergoing something I consider much more serious, and yet he was saying, no, you need this.
We had a glass of whiskey after dinner last night, talked, and sadly he and his friends went home today.
It was the smallest of brushes, and conversations over breakfast and dinner, that has refocussed my thinking on what I want to do.
Small things can touch you,