so, a friend of mine is currently living in a care home, and really not enjoying i. she's made it no secret that she wants to leave and find a better placement (long story short, it was never the right fit for her and caused her trauma that she wouldn't have experienced otherwise)
today, she contacted me informing that she has a " professionals meeting", and when I asked her if the social worker was going to attend she said no, no she isn't, just the CMHT team. I said don't worry, everyone probably has these professionals meetings and she said no, no, in all the time I've been here I've never seen it happen. (she doesn't have any mental health needs, this is where her problems arise)
so, my two questions are this
1. what sort of things will be discussed during the meeting, and what can I say to prepare her.
second, her mother said that if the results of the meeting aren't up to scratch, she is just going to take her out of the system because she feels that she's been in it far too long. my friend doesn't want that.. so I guess I have three questions. second question is, does a parent or guardian have a right to over rule final outcomes, and also if my friend says she doesn't want that for herself,, will they listen??
thanks. long post I know, but I'm speaking to her tomorrow and hoping to have some info by then