I'm just posting this as i have just heard from poster who was on here a while ago Calandersgal that Sherin as passed away who went by the username of Thedrivensnow who helped a lot of people on healthunlocked.com, my thoughts go out to her loving family and friends.
Thedrivensnow: I'm just posting this as i... - Care Community

thank you for your post . I am a bit confused about which username is your informant and which has died. I think theree may be a typo somewhere
The username who told me Callendersgal left healthunlocked.com but i kee in touch and she told me that Sherin had passed away a few weeks ago and her username on here was Thedrivensnow. Hope that was clearer.
thank you. i think you mayy have the same gremlins as me who love to confuse. i didnot know driven snow as there was a time when i did not post. I did know Callendersgirl - please will you give her my best wishes. And sympathy to drven snow's relations
Yes I remember Sue and Kasar the bossy pedigree cat!
I'm still in touch with Sue and she is very well and doing ok, i only come on now and again and she wanted to let people know through me of Sherin's passing who i was close to.
Just before I moved back in May I saw an old colleague from the pharmacy where I lost my job last October and she had asked me what was I doing now and I had said how I was going to enjoy a nice swim later on but what she had really wanted to know was had I got another job and I was honest and said no I hadn't and you would think the world had just ended and the sky had fallen down the way she reacted to that as if not having a job is the worst thing that can happen to a person and no it isn't!
Worse things are being terminally ill like Sherin was and being young and have that happen as well like she was!
Yes I remember Sherin.
That is very bad news even though she had been ill for ages it was still a shock hearing that even though it wasn't a surprise.
Please accept my condolences.