Three MANCHESTER hospital patients died aft... - Care Community

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Three MANCHESTER hospital patients died after eating sandwiches contaminated with listeria while in hospital.

9 Replies

Am I surprised given my own hospital experience SOME might remember dad’s meals picture posted ABOUT dad’s BASIC nursing care.

Even how sister said they did not have time TO make sure those with Alzheimer’s Dementia frail are feed watered .... shocking admission by hospital AND sister.

Picture is of my dad’s hospital dinner that was left to go like toast AND left for hours.

Well WHO would think my bout of food poisoning after visiting my dad could be down to same bug THAT resulted in me being on toilet for six hours ESPECIALLY as I felt so ill and thought I would be taken hospital with my ass pointing in air.

Needless to say am at my GP’s Monday especially as dad was in hospital eating butties AND that’s when I suffered bad food poisoning

9 Replies
sassy59 profile image

I read about the poor people who died JAS and I hope you and your dad are ok. Take care xxxx

in reply to sassy59

Hi sassy after my episode swore ad never eat butty or out dad was

But when encouraging someone to eat THATs not always possible guess that’s how why I ended up with food poisoning

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Take care mate xxx

SquirrelsHolt profile image

Morning JAS and this is shocking news,shocking!😠. I remember very clearly your dad's so called "dinner" some time ago and how it got your blood boiling to put it mildly!!! Quite right too. Now this terrible news and it makes me wonder just how many near misses with contaminated food have slipped by,unreported. You are right to think maybe your terrible tummy could have been down to eating some nasty food whilst dad was in hospital. Let us know how you get on after speaking to your GP. Good luck mate!👍

in reply to SquirrelsHolt

Was bad SquirrelHolt even had bad headache AND I was shocked given how unwell doc said just take probiotics NEVER give me out.

So be phoning public health telling them about my food poisoning AS Was time we was there and I was sick.

Said can hide out for 70days so be telling my gp Public Heath said you need to test

Hi JeffAjaxSmith,

I well remember your first posting that shocking picture of your dad's hospital 'meal', and there probably aren't many of us who don't have a tale to tell of the awfulness of what's offered to you in British hospitals under the guise of 'food'. It was never good, but since the advent of pre-packaged, bought in catering, it's reached what you'd think was an impossibly bad level, now even helping to make vulnerable patients even sicker than they were and even causing death. It is frightening but there seems to be absolutely no commitment to changing the situation. I doubt it will change even after this outbreak of listeria. There is a complete ennui surrounding the whole topic, from top down.

Lucky for your dad that you are always there as his guardian and at least make sure that he's OK and gets fed. Best wishes.

in reply to

Hi Callendersgal I have low immunity 1 point away from needing IGM injections

GP lung doctor never told me about risks of prepacked sandwiches SO the going to be getting it Monday

Even news said we are talking about basic nursing but is so easy for hospital to through butty at someone guess that’s how why happens.

It’s not all lost cause as poisoned wrong one who as lot to say.. I made appointment to talk about broken promises made or lessons clearly not learnt re basic care in hospital’s with my MP but am just one person BUT now public health involved am going to run with it .... so to speak

But been unwill with food poisoning then back issues

Sometimes JAS, just one person's persistence can make a real difference. Keep up your good work! Best regards.

lell1 profile image

Hey JaS! Can sympathise with you and many others! Have just had a dose of norovirus and it is awful, never been so poorly in my life (with added complication of diabetes). This bug also down to ignorant idiots who have not got one ounce of consideration for self or others...including own family being put at risk! A message to them...clean surfaces, properly prepare food and wash your bloody hands!! Preparation before profit!

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