Good morning and let's welcome the better weather.
How was your week? Tell us about your week so far. Has there been anything you would like to share with us all? It doesn't matter if it's a bad week or a good one we would love to hear from you.
As the weather has improved I would like to give a few tips for keeping your loved ones cool during this hot spell. An electric fan is a very good idea, but please make sure that the lead is kept out of the way and not trailing on the floor. Also plenty of cool drinks so that you all keep well hydrated. Loose cotton clothing is also a good idea, and if you are going out please use a high factor sun screen for everyone, even if its only in the garden. Sun hats are a must too.
Why not share with us all what you are thinking of doing this week-end. What ever you are doing please enjoy the lovely sunshine and stay safe.
Best wishes,
MAS Nurse