Does anyone know about continuous care and how to apply for it
Continuous Care: Does anyone know about... - Care Community
Continuous Care

Hello Mogwai1234. Thank you for asking about this, there is a lot of information out there on this subject. There is a package called Continuous care funding from the NHS. Age UK has information as does the money advisor service. Please see below for the links, however I am sure some of our community members has information on this that maybe of help too?
1) There is a deal of information about CHC on line
2) to start a request for CHC contact your district nurse or or GP who should make the initial refral for you.
3) For the referal make sure you have a very detailed account of the persons illness and your caring problems/duties etc. even to the extent of exagerating, to some extent, your caring dificulties.
4) On line there are copies/example of the check sheet questions that the CHC assessors are supposed to ask you. Get hold of this as some assessors are not familiar with the process and can miss out important questions.
5) At a last resort there are companies who will apply for you but they are expensive. However, email Beacon ( and ask for one of their CHC Navigation Tool Kits. They will do the whole thing for you for a price but theirr free tool kit has a lot of very useful information that you can use.
Hope this helps. Get in touch if you think I can be of more help. Ivan
thank you. Everything we have read so far states if the NHS can find a loop hole to get out of this they will. In fact most people get turned down even when they fit the criteria and can take years to pay out. So not looking forward to this x
Don't give up. Don't take no for answer. It takes a lot of effort and determination on top of what one is already coping with but can bring about what you want. Also you can be very pleased with your self admired by friends family etc. You and they know you have done your very best and tried every thing. Give your self a treat now and again. Besides being compasionate for your cared one make sure you have time and compassion for yourself. Ivan
thank you. I will start to look at it today x
I looked up CHC and it stated the Gp and social worker can complete the assessment. I asked my mother in laws doctor to see if she would do this and was promptly told 'I have been a Gp for years and we have never done that' . I did try to say that it is stated on line Gps do actually complete this i was totally dismissed!!!!
If your practice has more than one Dr try another one. It's not a Socilal Worker's remit but it is a District Nurses. You GP need to bring himself up to date. Go on line, get some info. on who should help with referals. Show it to your GP however, if he is still dismissive I would not put much faith in his efffort. Re. more Drs in your practice, try for a younger more recently qualified one. Generally, they are more sympathetic than old cogers who don't like new ventures. Best bet? District Nurses. Citizen Advice might be able to help with who can make referals.
When applying for Continuing Health Care (CHC) you do need to be prepared to chase and follow up on applications. The system is often overwhelmed and applications have been known to get lost or fall behind more urgent cases.
If you get the stage of attending a Decision Support Tool (DST) meeting, I often advise people to take a friend or advocate. This meeting can be difficult as you listen to every aspect of your loved ones life and needs being discussed, support for you as the family member is important. The chair will ensure you are able to take a break if needed as it can also be a lengthy meeting - approximately 2 hours or more.
I hope all goes well