Hi fellow bronchiectasis sufferers
My bronchiectasis was detected 60 years ago following 15 years of active sarcoidosis now healed. Initially I had the odd acute bronchitis but remained more or less free of problems untill about thirty years ago when I had the occasional yearly bronchial infection easily cleaered away with a two week antibiotic treatment. I n those days I had the occasional in fection with Haemophilus and even had an infection with Pseudomans. Luckily I am at present cured from those bugs but since ten years I suffer from recurrent Staphylococcus aureus infections which sofar always can be kept at bay with PC treatment three or five times a year. Treated with Heracillin.
These last years I have suffered from a progressive dry cough , drinking doesn;t help much and it is getting really tiresome Rehab have tried various inhalations without helping much as salt irritated my lung tissues. it is antibiotics that are the key to success. but that will not last forever.
As I am on other medications I can only be put on PC type medication.
Just wanted to know if anybody has found something that helps against a more or less persistent dry cough ? Apart from antibiotics.