Hi, I was prescribed Carbocisteine in March to be taken 1x3 daily, until June then im to increase to 2x3 daily as prescribed my my consultant, I'm newly diagnosed and was wondering why they would increase the dose?
carbocisteine: Hi, I was prescribed... - Bronchiectasis Su...

I was the opposite. I started on 2 three times a day and now take 2 twice a day. Maybe your doctor didn’t feel the lower dose was helping you enough? They are there to help thin the mucus making it easier to cough up.
It's just a bit confusing as when he prescribed me them it was my first ever appointment as I'm newly diagnosed, told to increase them in June and back to clinic September. I do feel they are working though, so that's good
Have you joined the asthma and lung conditions thread? There's plenty of people on there who have bronchiectasis and are on carbocistene. Have you seen a physio to help with expelling the mucus? If not look up active cycle of breathing on Youtube. It can be daunting when newly diagnosed and you do have to be proactive to keep yourself healthy. I think its a bit trial and error when they prescribe the drugs to get it right.