What to do?: I’ve got bronchiectasis... - Bronchiectasis Su...

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What to do?

ktp1973 profile image
13 Replies

I’ve got bronchiectasis and have picked up an infection after a cold, dr prescribed 5 days amoxicillin over the phone. Finished course but still coughing and feeling ill. So fed up, not sure what else I can do. Asked if I could see specialist when better but GO said they are v busy. Never seen anyone since diagnosis beginning of last year

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ktp1973 profile image
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13 Replies
Miche1981 profile image

Hi i'm always advised to take 2 week courses of antibiotics for any infection. Do you submit sputum samples to the GP at the start of infection? Its worth doing for antibiotic guidance but also its a log on the system which is useful for when you are reviewed at the hospital. It must be frustrating about no access to a specialist but worth pursuing even if you have to apply more pressure. Do you do physio? Its worth pushing for a referral for that too if not as will really help. Hope you start to feel much better soon x

ktp1973 profile image
ktp1973 in reply to Miche1981

Thanks for the advice. I’ve never been asked to supply samples. I will be pushing to see a specialist as infections getting more frequent. Not sure how to do physio. I’m beginning to realise I’ve not been given any advice or care just the diagnosis from the scan. I’ve researched everything myself but v little help from GPs. I really want to feel better now

Miche1981 profile image
Miche1981 in reply to ktp1973

Maybe you could share the bronchiectasis NICE guidance with your GP and point out this isn't being met for you: cks.nice.org.uk/bronchiecta...

I take daily azithromycin as a phrophylactic antibiotic and it works amazingly well. I recently had a 6 month break and had 5 infections. Back on it now! When on it long term i have very few.

Good luck x

SheilaC profile image

I had to persevere to get an appointment with a consultant and recommend that you do the same. As soon as I saw her for the first time things started to move and I have every confidence in her and her nurse.

I was going to tell you that I was advised that people with bronchiectasis should gave a 2 weeks course but I can see others have beaten me to it! My GP required a letter from the hospital consultant before he would do it though!

ktp1973 profile image

So I battled through the snow to the out of hours doctor at hospital today and been given a reliever inhaler and Clarithromycin antibiotics for 5 days. Was told to get referral to specialist as never had any consultant appointments. Really hoping these make me better and fingers crossed my gp will refer

Kabro profile image
Kabro in reply to ktp1973

How are you feeling? My previous GP used to nickname Clarithromycin, “Domestos” - kills all known germs! X

ktp1973 profile image
ktp1973 in reply to Kabro

Getting there I think. Still coughing up mucus, got 4 more days of Clarithromycin to go. Finally been referred, appointment is in March. GP was v dismissive of physio techniques I mentioned! Thanks to all for advice on here.

Lealee profile image

My GP tried prescribing me a week of amoxicillin recently and I told them 1st amoxicillin does not work for me and second my specialist said 2 weeks of antibiotics are needed with steroids.

I find that being informed and knowing what I’m talking about helps when seeing the GP as he isn’t a lung specialist x

cofdrop-UK profile image

Hi ktp

To be onest 5 days of amoxil for am exacerbation of BE, well you might have well used them as a suppository. I feel you are being short changed by your GP. Very busy.... grr words fail me! The guidelines state you put in a sputum sample and then start on an antibiotic until the results come back with the bactria you are growing and what it is sensitive to. The course is also as a general rule 14 days for bronchiectasis.

If it were me `i would look on line for a respiratory consultant who has a special interest in cf/non cf bronchiectasis - this would usually be in one of the larger cities. Contact them and tell them you note they have a special interest in your condition and would they be kind enough to accept you as a patient. You can then tell your GP who you want to see and that s/he has already said they would accept you as a patient.

Good luck


loriLKI profile image

Push for an appointment with a chest physio. They can teach you exercises to help move the phlegm out. That’s all about prevention of chest infections by making sure you get as much phlegm as you can out of your lungs on a daily basis. If there’s nothing “pooling” in your lungs you are less likely to get an infection. Mine has been brilliant- have seen her 3-4 times since I was diagnosed and she pushed my gp to give me “stand by” antibiotics. She also said I could drop a plegm sample in anytime at the clinic she works in to establish a baseline as others have mentioned. Good luck!

Matilda_1922 profile image

I was informed by the respiratory specialist that you need at least 2 weeks course of antibiotics. They have given me a rescue package to start straight away if needed

Matilda_1922 profile image

Your doctor should nice guidelines and prescribe antibiotics for 2 weeks and have a sputum specimen before starting antibiotics.

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